Hey Occulties,
I can only assume it is the same person googling and comcast searching furiously, but let me let ALL of you in on something...99% of the time, a site that lists "scams" by name or legit people by name is, themselves, a scammer. Sad but true. Some years back, and it may still be up, someone who shall remain nameless listed a long list of sites rating who was the best spellcaster ever and who should be avoided. Since it was a long list, yours truly actually LIKED this site...a lot. I tried out a few sites with little or no effect. Since, when I try out a spellcaster, I DO ask someone to cast spells which I have not cast for myself in several months, and since I am wholly capable of detecting spellcastings put on myself, I wondered what was up. I was alerted that ALL of the high-rated sites were run by the same person!! :( Well, I checked the IP address on the emails, and they all came from the same IP. Were they the same person? Maybe. Was I ripped off? Maybe. I am not going to say for sure, but I DID stop listening to that review site pretty effing fast.
A year or two ago, a prospective client came to me, saying "Oh, you weren't on this 'spellcaster scam' site, so I figured you were legit." Hmm. That site of "scammers" was later taken down. Apparently 3 people were running it and running their mouths about everyone else on the internet whilst promoting spellcasters (um, which were themselves,) for exorbitant prices for hire. Hmmm.
Then there are sites like "Rip off report," where I have seen more than one LEGITIMATE person bashed... This is horrible, especially since even when the party doing the bashing comes in and says, "Oh, wait, they are legitimate," the frikkin' report stays up. Many of these "reports" are even filed by other jealous psychics and spellcasters - wtf! Hey, if you want to believe a site that lists "prostitutes" as one of its rip off catagories, then that's up to you. The sad thing is that there are also A LOT of rip offs in there, and if the mo-mo's running the site actually bothered to run it right, it might be a useful resource. :C
Listen, I would love to help you here, and I would even love to list people I believe to be legitimate... The issue is that when I list a spellcaster or psychic, one or two people generally get it in their head that I am in some way in cahoots with this person and getting some sort of finders fee (laughable, I don't make a dime,) or that I am living with them, or something otherwise... So I have to recommend people solely by personal referral...ie YOU come to me. If you act like a crazy person, I won't refer you anywhere. I just got done dealing with some "artist," who said some of the most degrading nonsense to me because I refused to take her on, after I'd referred her elsewhere and she had a major personality conflict with the person I'd referred her to. I'd never even worked for her, and she spent an evening threatening me because she didn't like someone else. Nice.
I've done it before, but here is a list of 3 points to look for, and YOU research a spellcaster and decide. I am always here for help, so contact me, and be assured I will not instantly ask you to hire me... I can only take so many clients, and I may very well be booked.
*The spellcaster is available to you before, during, and after the spellcasting. This doesn't mean you should be able to contact them 900 times a day, and annoy the eff out of them, or that you deserve 8 hours of attention daily, either... It simply means that if you have questions, the spellcaster is there to answer them, if you have concerns, the spellcaster can address them...the person should be knowledgeable and helpful.
*The spellcaster is NOT available in the paid-search section. I've said this a million times... I am not a paid search result, and thankful that I am not...because NO ONE LEGITIMATE PERSON CAN CAST THAT MANY SPELLS IN THAT SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME!!! I can't have more than a certain number of active spellcastings going on for reasons of 1.) time (I can't make it so there are more than 24 hours in a given day,) 2.) energy (I am only alotted so much because I need rest and food and stuff,) 3.) space (I have a limited amount of room in my home to put out altar space.) If someone is a "paid result," chances are they are getting more than 25 (a lot more,) requests in a day. I don't get 25 requests for spells in a week, and if I did, I most certainly would wish I were dead (or feel as if I were,) if I tried to do 25 full-ritual spellcastings in one week - not to mention there would be altars on all flat surfaces in my home. ;) So.. think twice. It takes me 30 minutes-1 hour for spell prep in an average case...that doesn't include spellcasting - just prep. Where is that person even finding the time?
*The spellcaster shows that they know their stuff. Look at what you are reading. This is my baby. This is years of my work online, for free, for you to see. You can contact me, and I do know about the art of spellcraft (many types,) and all about the occult. Its free to talk to me. ;) Another spellcaster should willing to discuss some aspects of their craft with you at the very least, and no, maybe not a spell outline, but at least be KNOWLEDGABLE.
Seriously, y'all...this should help. I would also look out for people who "dis" other sites by name and by a list constantly (other than California Astrology Association, who are a bunch of scammers...and I know other scammers, but notice, I don't list those, because they aren't as bad of a farce as CAA,) or that they are "spellcasters reviewed" sites, which are almost always run only to profit the owner of the site reviewing other sites. :P Contact your spellcaster. Discuss spells before paying. Be careful.
And if you really want to be safe, and want to KNOW that spell is cast, then just come on into my blog, and pick a spell...any spell, and cast it yourself! Hey, I am here, and I may be for hire and all, but I know you are literate (you are reading this, lol,) so go ahead and try out one of the spells here I've written out for you on your own, okay? If you have questions, just cite the blog-entry title and contact me. I am not going to try to sell my services to you...in fact, I only started selling my services because I had so many requests to do so. :)
Happy Hunting!
A good way to find out if this was the same person is to run a 'whois' check on the websites, and look at the address/contact email.
Posted by: Jennifer | February 01, 2007 at 08:22 PM
Well, the emails came directly from the sites. The IP is the only way to be sure. I could have 800 different email addresses, and as long as I ran the sites, they could all be and look different, with different @whatever.coms. Right now, I can tack a few more domain names to my site too, and get seperate email addys for em. Definitely though, if they were they same email and supposed to be different people, I would say RUN as fast as possible! ;)
Posted by: Cat | February 02, 2007 at 07:52 AM
I remember how I found you now -- through Google (still can't remember the search words). I got duped/scammed by CAA and I wish I found your site much earlier. Oh well.
Posted by: Gemma | September 20, 2008 at 09:36 AM
I tried 5 casters and would like to share my info and results. The good thing is all 4 were from different sites. Kat, you are right on many of your points and I thank you.
Posted by: Sam | December 27, 2008 at 03:25 PM
Sorry about a bit of editing, Sam. I took out the names of the sites you'd listed as I can't ethically post them, and also I don't want to be sued by the people who run them. ;)
To be fair to you, though, several of those names have been said to me privately. :S One I was still surprised to hear was in business as its been one I've heard about for 4 or 5 YEARS!
Posted by: Cat | December 27, 2008 at 03:27 PM
Well, I have to admit that I feel like a complete fool, as I was also 'duped' by CAA. I was so desperate to end some ongoing negativity that has been seemingly plaguing my life for years, causing me some misfortune in all aspects of my life, I did searches to find help.
It was then that I unfortunately stumbled across CAA, which displays tons of spells, occult items and such, with details of 'solving problems'. I thought I investigated the website enough to determine if it was a scam or not. I was not as 'sharp' as I thought at the time.
To make a long story short, I sent CAA money for multiple 'urgency' spells, to solve my immediate problems. After a month of my purchase, I still have not even witnessed the slightest inclination of any spellwork being done for me. I also have not seen, nor felt any changes to my situation that I paid for based upon my urgent needs.
The CAA website blatantly offers a complete money-back guarantee for up to one full year... no questions asked. However, I noticed that there are no real contact email addresses. The website does have a so-called 'Contact Page' in the 'About Us' section of the website, but I have made several contacts to request a refund of my money, only to never even receive a reply. In conjunction to the website not having an official contact and customer correspondence protocol integrated into their website, the website also does not list any type of contact phone number. Now, it dawned on me that any legitimate online entity or business that claims to be valid, should at least have some sort of contact phone number for its customers.
All-in-all, the joke is on me, as the CAA are professionals after all... at scamming desperate people, like myself. What does also come to mind is, "Why are they still in business... at least the website?" I am certain that CAA has received tons of compalints over the years. It is simply sad how 'good' people are taken advantage of and manipulated by this type of garbage that seems to be predominant over the Internet. For those that have the money to throw away, they are not affected. It is the hard-working and honest people, who deserve wonderful things in life, that I feel for.
Anyway, I hope this post makes it to a live post.
Thanks Cat
Posted by: TheChosen | April 20, 2009 at 07:26 PM
Hi TheChosen,
I will say for CAA that everyone I know of HAS received their money back for the items and spells they paid for if they asked. If that recently changed...well, that's even worse. :P
Posted by: Cat | April 21, 2009 at 09:00 AM
In May this year, 2011, I spent almost USD$710 on spells & charms offered on Castrology Association (CAA) website, believing everything they (including the spell casters engaged by CAA) say and promise. In the end, I must say that CAA is not a trustworthy website. It does not deliver on what it has promised. So, please give CAA a miss if you do not want to be utterly disappointed like I have been. It's sad how people can be so wicked to con people who are desperate for help.
Posted by: Annie | June 28, 2011 at 07:23 PM