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August 14, 2010



This kicks ass. Not enough "Lost items" spells out there. Thanks for posting. If you found the time could you do something on lodestones? How do you "wake them up" before they start working for ya. How do you connect to them? I'm interested in lodestones drawing career success especially.


I was able to locate my $50 check...funny I found it after I promised St. Anthony a statue. In any case, I like the idea bout lodestones. I have a pair, and I have not worked with them yet, but I enjoy your articles so when you find the time...I would definitely appreciate it!


St Anthony always gives me so much that I ask for, not just lost things. It's so uncanny. I'd say 'St Anthony, i'm not well can you help me just to get home' and suddenly i'd feel okay until I get home (I have a chronic illness) or just the other day, I had a cold ontop of my chronic illness (just great) and I couldn't stop coughing no matter what I did, so I just said 'St Anthony please it's the middle of the night, all I want to do is sleep can you help me get rid of this cough?' and that's it, I fell asleep didn't cough until I woke up again the next morning.
St Anthony helps me find things i've lost, I pray to him to help me obtain advice and I love him
for being there for me. Now that i've read this, i'm going to organise for a statue of St Anthony in my new bedroom and he will be my patron saint, because he's always there for me when I need him.
Thanks St Anthony :)

luis portalatin

okay . so im trying really hard to locate my lost wallet i have asked Saint Anthony for help guidance ... and i have had no luck yet .. i really am desperate and i need help ! It has so much value to me . it had my social my credit card . everything ... someone please help me !


While I'm not sure which someone's you're referring to (this is my blog, and there is just me, generally,) I would say you can appeal to him or to St Dismas, but if the wallet doesn't return....well, not everything is meant to be found. There is no guarantee they will bring it back to you. I've had my wallet stolen and it had things which were irreplaceable (forget the credit cards and replaceable stuff...this had a poem written for me by a friend who passed a way, a picture of someone I cared for very much...only one I had, etc,) and it never returned. Ever. Whatever shit took it made sure of that. So, while you can petition to a spirit, a saint, or God (which might up the chances of it's return,) there is absolutely no guarantee you are getting it back. It sucks if that's what's to be, but that's just how things go sometimes.

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