Hi Occulties,
See I told you I just had writer's brain constipation, aka "writers block," but I took some mental fiber, and I'm feeling much better. :) HOWEVER, expect some rather off stuff to come out...cleansing the brain's bowels means I'm probably going to be posting some odd stuff over the next few weeks that's been sticking to my lateral ventricle* for 18 months and has to get out of my mental digestion system. It's good though.
Way way way back, I said I'd post some Hoodoo spells regarding our friend St Anthony. While I'd meant a discussion of St Anthony in Hoodoo, I also said I'd post a reconciliation spell so...er...my hippocampus says combine them both (sorry, sorry, brain constipation clearing, must get it all out,) so I figured I'd do just that. ;)
As an advisory, if you're super anti-saints/religions/etc, just skip this post and wait for one that does not have a saint in it. Or try the love/reconciliation category and select a different spell.
This one is pretty easy to do, and you *may* have all the ingredients on hand.
It is *best* done on a relationship which has been broken up for less than 4 weeks, but may work if the person has been gone longer. You are free to try.
You will need++:
A picture or statue of St Anthony of Padua
Granulated brown sugar (light or dark brown sugar is probably not hugely relevant)**
A pink taper candle
A fireproof pie tin or cake plate
A photo of the petitioner (person for who the spell is cast on behalf of
A photo of the target (person to be reconciled to the petitioner)
St Anthony of Padua oil OR Return to me oil****
A cigar
A white saucer+
A glass
Spring water
Set Up and Spell:
Set up your altar so that St Anthony (or his image) stands at the top, your pie plate roughly in the center, glass with spring water to the left, and cigar on your saucer to the right. Roughly, it should look like this:
Er, yeah that's a rough representation to be sure *blushes* and I can assure you my graphic design professor from college just involuntarily shuddered and didn't know why. ;) (Sorry, Mr M.)
Fill your pie plate with sand.
Carve "(full name of target) reconcile and return to (full name of petitioner)" UP (base to wick) one side of your candle.
Anoint your candle INCREDIBLY LIBERALLY with your oil using seven strokes up (base to wick) to anoint the candle. When I say LIBERALLY, I mean it should be oilier than the hog in a greased pig contest. Now roll the candle in brown sugar so that it's well covered. It should be practically coated in brown sugar. Secure this into your pie plate sand so it does not tip or cause a fire hazard.
If you are greasy and sticky with sugar, by all means, go wash your hands now. ;)
Hold up the petitioner's photo in front of St Anthony's image. Hold up the target's photo in your other hand, "Showing" St Anthony the image. Now press them together so the faces touch, and say, "Saint Anthony, as you are the patron of lost things and things despaired of, I ask you please return (name of of target)'s love to me (or name of petitioner)."
Place the images (still face to face) beneath your pie plate, and light your candle.
Light your cigar, and make sure it's really going well. Sorry if you hate tobacco. ;) Blow the smoke towards St Anthony, offer his image the cigar (the end you put your mouth on facing towards him as if offering a puff, then place the cigar onto your saucer.
Say: "Oh wonderful St Anthony, glorious on account of the fame of thy miracles, and through the condescension of Jesus in coming in the form of a little child to rest in thy arms, obtain for me of His bounty the grace which I ardently desire from the depths of my heart. (Make your request here.) Thou who was so loving towards miserable sinners, regard not the unworthiness of those who pray to thee, but the Glory of God that it may be once again magnified by this request (make your request here again) which I now request of you in earnestness. Amen"
Pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory Be in honor of St Anthony.
For those of you unfamiliar with these prayers they are as follows:
Our Father
Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who tresspass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever and ever. Amen
Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art though amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen
Glory Be (sometimes called "Gloria")
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost now and forever. As it was in the beginning, let it be now and forever and ever. Amen
Allow the candle (and cigar) to burn out on their own. When they have done so, you may remove the pie plate if you need to, but allow the cigar remains, image/statue, and water to remain in place for 3 days before disposing of the remains.
Some of you are going to get really really really really on my case about what to do with the remains. The pictures, statue, glass, saucer and pie plate can be cleaned (if applicable) and stored, or saved. I would throw the sand, cigar remains and water from the glass out westwards from your home. For example, I literally throw this west off my property into a wooded lot..that might not work for you, but if you don't really have a yard of your own, you might place this off the side of the road west from your house.
I'm sure there will be questions, but be sure they are not covered in the footnotes below before you contact me. Thanks!
*I have no idea what my lateral ventricle is for...probably blood flow. But either way, I'm just tossing out random brain part names. This probably makes me look like an asshat, so by all means, laugh heartily at my brain parts ignorance. When the zombie apocalypse arrives, I'm sure I'll be more up one which parts are more tender and juicy and filled with brainy goodness, but at this juncture in time, it's just fun to say things like medulla oblongata and roll with it.
**Traditionally speaking, there is a good chance someone might recommend white sugar for white folks, light brown sugar for anyone with medium levels of skin tone such as many Latinos or Asians or African/Caucasian-mixed descent, and dark brown sugar for very dark colored people. In regards to what I personally use in the case of this spell, I honestly use light brown sugar for every color person, and find it works just as well. In other spells which use Karo (corn syrup) syrup, I often just use whatever I have on hand, which is usually dark corn syrup (because it makes pecan pie) and do not use a specific light/dark for the color of the folks I'm working on. I leave this up to you, but in regards to THIS SPELL, what I PERSONALLY WOULD USE is "light brown sugar" type of brown sugar.
***I find "traction sand" or "tube sand" that is available at a hardware store or Home Depot works just fine.
****Not everyone will have St Anthony oil on hand, but I think that works best. Return to me should do the trick however.
+preferably this should be all white but if you have to have a design on it, then it will probably work just as well. I use an all white set for this work, so I can't honestly say.
++Any substitution for any item/action is to find a spell ON YOUR OWN on this blog (or elsewhere) that you have all the ingredients to which you can perform all the actions to. :) If you ask for a substitution for any item/action your inquiry will be ignored. Look how big the footnotes are here - pretty sure I'm trying to cover all my bases.
+++ I am not a saint dictionary, nor am I here to be your living guide to the saints. There are all sorts of sites out there discussing the history of saints, and even others offering insight on how to work with them. I even go over some stuff here in a few places....this is basically me telling you to go do it YOURSELF if you want more info than I've given on this blog (which you are to NAVIGATE YOURSELF) regarding working with the saints or this saint. I'm getting really tired of almost a decade of thoughtless people attempting to use me as a free search engine. I am not search engine, but Google is. :)
Plagiarism is bad. I prosecute it to the fullest extent of the law.
Hi Cat,
First off, I have been reading through your site all week and find it to be very interesting and informative. I am going to do the St Anthony spell on my boyfriend but I have two questions that I want to be clear of: 1. the candle and cigar burn out at the initial casting not over a period of days correct? 2. I have never done a spell before, is there a high chance that this will backfire on me?
Thank you so much for your help. I look forward to reading more of your work.
Posted by: Shawn | September 14, 2012 at 09:07 AM
It's just a taper candle being used (or not a jar candle, lol, the shape, as long as not a figural, is not really relevant,) it's meant to burn out on it's own overnight. The cigar may or may not burn out on it's own quickly. It's an offering, and will do what it wants to do. It's even better if you can (and I cannot do this without hurting myself) take the cigar and get it going, and put the cinder end in your mouth, and puff smoke out the puffing end at St Anthony instead of just offering it. If that makes no sense, just do it as it says - either way, it works.
I have never heard of a spell "backfiring." It's not a gun. Anyone who told you spells backfire either grossly misundestands how spells work, or is just trying to scare you. They can be reversed (does he do spellcraft) which is a form of reflective magic, or reflected which might make you long for him more. They can be broken, they might manifest "weird" (though in this case I can't think of how it would in any bad way, it's pretty straight forward..."weird" tends to happen when people ask demons for large amounts of money, not when people ask St Anthony to return a lover...so no, I doubt it will harm you) but it is a petition to a saint. Pretty sure you'll be ok.
As for "probabilities" "chances" and backfiring, sounds like you're unfamiliar with most of my writing and reading some site made by someone who likes to scare people for no good reason. I'm sorry if you've been miseducated. Spells don't backfire, nor do they come with probabilities of success that are across the board for everyone. I think perhaps you should not keep up with any site that suggested to you that this is how spells work, but it is just a suggestion.
Thanks for your kind words on my blog. I hope to get some more posts up when I'm not so bogged down with work and basic life annoyances as I have been this last month or so. ;)
Posted by: Cat | September 23, 2012 at 01:17 PM
Hi Cat,
Thank you for the feedback. Since the initial comment, I have had the chance to read more thoroughly of your site and I did check out Karma Zain's as well. You are correct, I have read a lot of BS on other sites - I am staying clear of them! You and Karma's definitely are sincere, to the point and not arrogant. I believe you both are honest people who have great information and terrific senses of humor. I very much enjoyed Mama. Cat's Pearls of Wisdom.
On another note, I did the spell this past Friday (waxing moon) during the hour of the moon. I really had a good feeling after casting it, the candle burned beautifully in 9 hours. I am taking your words of wisdom on how to "behave"by not obsessing and looking my best. I actually started that a week prior and have seen results! I have had no contact with him for 3 weeks and I am not dying - hehehe! So many of your words are so correct, you make so much sense. Wish I would have found your site years ago! I'm going to continue on behaving well, except I am considering doing a cursing spell on a assmunch who that screwed me out of a job for his own financial gain. And, by the way, I'm a girl if you were wondering by my name.
Posted by: Shawn | September 24, 2012 at 12:04 PM
If you can stomach tobacco smoke, a trick you might try is to get a photo of your fella, and while smoking (a cigar is best but a cigarette works too,) as you exhale, speak to the picture as if it were him. Tell him to call you or make contact, be firm, speak in the present tense ("you need to call me,") etc, and avoid using negatives (no, not, never.) It's a pretty good technique and easy to do.
I also have a link to Dara's blog on the first or 2nd page (well currently, so for later readers, within 10 posts of this one, lol) which gives some great communication techniques.
Thanks so much for your kind words. :) I have a tendency towards sarcasm and lots of hyper sensitive people take me the wrong way for it, though it's generally meant humorously. I'm not actually mean, lol, though I guess I have my moments. ;)
Posted by: Cat | September 24, 2012 at 01:26 PM
Hi Cat,
Love it! This spell sounds like what I've been searching for. Will it work on a target who was not a lover but we were dating? We weren't in a serious relationship but we went out.
Once the spell is done does it have to be repeated again?
I've set St. Anthony candles on the target before and he did eventually call, but he didn't leave a message. I called him back but he didn't answer so I didn't leave a message, I got nervous and didn't know what to say!
Hoping to do your version of the spell and get better results than when I just did a single candle to St. Anthony. I didn't know about the offering of a cigar, maybe he's waiting for that!:)
Posted by: Pat | October 03, 2012 at 02:25 AM
Without more knowledge on the situation I couldn't say if it would have to be repeated again. That's wholly dependant on the people involved, the situation, etc. No spell lasts forever if that's what you're asking, not to say the effects reverse, just that it's like taking an asprin or something. Sometimes you only need one dose. Sometimes you need two. ;)
I would assume it would work in any situation where there was love involved.
Posted by: Cat | October 03, 2012 at 10:02 AM
Thanks for the feedback Cat, I'm going to try the spell. It's on a target that I dated on and off and would like another chance with but I don't want to be the first to initiate contact. I was wondering about how long it takes for the result to manifest?
Posted by: Pat | October 04, 2012 at 02:02 AM
As with any spell there is absolutely no blanket answer for how long does anything take to manifest. That is dependent on several factors and is entirely different from person to person, problem to problem.
Posted by: Cat | October 04, 2012 at 12:01 PM
Hi Cat,
Thanks for posting this spell! I have a question about the cigar. I tried really hard to get it going well, but once I put it in the saucer it stopped burning soon after. I thought maybe it was a dud, so I tried another cigar and the same thing happened. I'm not sure if I should take this as a sign or if I am just not doing a good job of getting the cigar going. I was wondering if you had any comments or suggestions as far as what to do about this? Thanks! :)
Posted by: Elizabeth | October 07, 2012 at 01:39 AM
It's not a sign of anything. Basically you're worrying about what an offering is doing...which comparatively would be like if you made me soup and I blew on it before taking bites, and you felt that was a sign I didn't like your soup or something. Or if you made me cake and I ate it in small bites instead of large bites, that this is a sign it's a bad cake, etc. It's not a problem but the worry (and judging from my inbox the neurotic levels thereof with a few people) is because it's a form of thinking the work to death. Let St Anthony enjoy his cigar as he likes, even if that means it goes out on it's own. ;)
Posted by: Cat | October 07, 2012 at 06:41 PM
Thanks, Cat! I thought maybe he wasn't interested in smoking next to the baby in his picture. ;) I haven't tried this sort of offertory work before, so I thought maybe I wasn't doing it right. I'll let him have this cigar as he likes and won't worry about it.
Posted by: Elizabeth | October 07, 2012 at 08:12 PM
I have never known a saint to be too over-worried about the exaggerated stories of the dangers of second hand smoke. I guess they expired before the propaganda became so popular 15+ years ago, and when they lived people were more worried about actual plagues and so forth. ;) The baby he's holding is supposedly the baby Jesus though, which is a bit conflicting since Jesus died more than a millenium before St Anthony...but I didn't create the iconography, it's based on a rather apocryphal tale of St Anthony. ;)
Posted by: Cat | October 07, 2012 at 09:09 PM
This looks great! However I'm gonna have to set a small alter up on my balcony because there is a rule in my apartment that we are not allowed to smoke in our apartments. I'm not a smoker myself so I'm going to purchase a flavored cigar. =)
Posted by: Ajah | December 06, 2012 at 12:05 AM
I bought a brown tapered candle for this, is that ok? I can add different kinds of love oil as well as the return to me oil to boost it as well as sachets. I bought brown because his color is brown. I should have checked, but the store was closing and it's a Tuesday night.
Posted by: LoveisLove | October 08, 2013 at 11:29 PM
Thank you for posting this spell! I am curious to know if the work for this spell should be continual (after a period of time). For example: when petition St. Martha, I continue the work each week. Should I perform the spell again after a month or three months? Should I continue to make an offering of cigar smoke to St. Anthony periodically? Thank you for your help!
Posted by: Isabelle | October 13, 2013 at 02:31 PM
Nope, you want pink here because you're working for love. Brown isn't what I'd choose for this work, but you can try. I'm not sure why you didn't follow the instructions as given but you're free to use the that color and see what it does.
I'd not recommend using the powder (or sachet if you prefer) you should just be using a love oil or a return to me oil, with that singular oil being best.
If you want to make your own spell and just use my words, that's fine. ;) Otherwise this is pretty clearly presented and does not require so many add ons to work and quite well. Most people do this one as it's written and have quite a bit of success.
If you add too much or alter it too much you might just make it not work - more is not always better. Spells are a bit like making a meatloaf. Meatloaf has a basic recipe that a lot of people add one or two things to (or switch) to make it theirs. Just because you can throw bacon in and it tastes better, or maybe you throw green pepper in and that tastes good, well if you throw in the whole dang meat drawer and vegetable drawer, that's going to be a gross-ass meatloaf. In other words, more isn't better all the time... sounds like you're adding too much to a simple saint ritual to be honest. ;)
Posted by: Cat | October 17, 2013 at 04:04 PM
Most spells, workings, or prayers can be repeated as necessary. If you're working with St Martha, you might work 9 Tuesdays (novena) or perhaps every tuesday til your desired end is accomplished. This particular spell to St Anthony could be worked once a month, once every 2 weeks, once a week or just once. It's really up to you.
As for the offering, I'm not sure I'm clear... certainly you can make an offering to St Anthony whensoever you please. I'm sure he'd appreciate it greatly. If you want to buy him a fresh cigar every week, I would think he'd like that quite a bit. Make sure it's always a new cigar, however.
Posted by: Cat | October 17, 2013 at 04:47 PM