Hi Occulties...
Guess who gets lots of questions!? If you guessed me then you get a pretty gold star for effort. ;)
So let's get this up for everyone else who's been ever curious about the same subjects.
Q: I did a reconciliation spell on my ex, and now s/he is with another guy/girl!? Did I mess my spell up?
A: While I'd not really know (but could guess) from that question, there could be a few answers, and I suspect a few people have not been anxious enough to get on my case as soon as they could about a spell they or someone else cast...so I will try to cover the major possibilities (not a finite list.)
Let's start with the most likely.
There is a good chance you're just not letting it go. You're so obsessed it's like you are creating a dam for that energy, and that dam will not let go ever until you give up, thus making it so the spell isn't even able to start working. Would that I could just start listing the number of clients I had who've come to me after they gave up, complaining the ex that they couldn't get back is now either not leaving them alone or they keep running into that person now that they don't want to see them (or in more than one case, both.) To be fair, if you're bad enough with obsessing and not letting go it will never manifest. I do go over this here, and it's a popular article. You'll also find references to thinking it to death and lust for results. They are major spell killers and it doesn't matter if you're the petitioner, the spellcaster, or both.
There is a chance you worked against your spell. I go over that in regards to reconciliation here, but also I find that people easily forget how if you act "weird" the other party will pick up on this and act awkward around you as well. If you really outdid yourself, you might have pushed that person away too far away, and it might be moot for the time being to bother working on them. You can, but if you scare someone enough, they will be too scared to come back for some time. Sometimes that's weeks, sometimes months, sometimes years, and if you really were running down the street chasing someone with an axe sort of crazy, then maybe never. You can keep trying reconcilation spellcraft, but don't expect instant results if you really upset the target.
Maybe you didn't do the best spell or you performed the spell wrong. I find people tend to use force when it's a bad idea (suchas the Intranquil Spirit, or a strongly coercive reconciliation spell,) or not apply the enough force if force is what is needed. There seems to be a huge imbalance on people having any tactics in the use of spellwork. It's either throwing a stick of live dynamite on a spider hiding in your eaves to kill it, or trying to beat an elephant to death with a matchstick. On the other hand, perhaps you picked a good spell that would work well, but perhaps you were too nervous, lacked the right focus, forgot an ingredient, etc.
Perhaps you didn't do enough work? It should come to reason that if you really flew off the handle one small candle spell might not fix it. SOOOO many people toss a candle spell on the situation, and forget healing, communication (Ms Dara makes a fantastic blend for this by the way,) romantic love, physical love, forgiveness, etc, and not all of those might apply, as well as many other things I did not mention could apply. If you expect one simple spell to always solve all, you're doing the equivellant of slapping a band-aid on a wound so large that guts are spilling out.
And perhaps it's just not yours to have. I am not the Almighty, and neither you nor I have the final say on what's yours and what isn't.
Q: How much oil do I need when dressing a candle?
A: Unless some instruction advises otherwise, generally 1-3 drops of each, depending on the size of the candle, and the type of wax. It should feel relatively slick while not being to the point of dripping oil. ;) With glass-cased seven-day candles, I usually stick about 1 drop in each of the holes I've bored in the top. I use five holes, others use 3-7.
Q: I'm sure you've answered this before, but why is it bad to pray to St Expedite for love?
A: I have answered that before - more than once even. ;) I guess my answer would be that it's not so much "bad" as it is short-sighted. If you need a quick change, that might mean one which is not lasting. For example, if I need $1000 to cover my mortgage this month, I could get that extra $1000 for that one month. It does not necessarily mean that I would get the same amount every month, or even that it would materialize as a promotion or anything other than a one-time sum. Similarly with love if you say "I just want so and so to come back to me, right now, this second, and want to be with me," you may very well just find your ex drunk as a skunk outside your door a few days later, and being as desperate as you must be to think faster results mean lasting results (often a fast change is a very tenuous or short-lived change, albeit not always,) I've little doubt you'd hesitate to let them in or even sleep with them, only to find a few days later they just drunken booty-called you. Even if you don't sleep with them, they might feel snubbed and not want to come back again.
Reconciliation is not instant, nor is love. If you want that to be effective, you need to put your work in. Just because you're too obsessed and overwhelmed with your feelings, doesn't mean you're helping the situation by forcing a short-term and likely limited change. If anything you could be pushing the actual desired outcome off.
I'm not saying it's impossible, just short-sighted. While I do think St Expedite would help you, and perhaps it's all you would need, more oft than not the people who ask me this or attempt this are too too too eager for the outcome, and do not realize the amount of damage which will remain unrepaired even if they are given a quick reunion. Further, I've heard more "oopsies" when people petition this saint for love (again, it's often short lived insofar as outcomes, especially so when there is a lot of bullshit and skeletons in the closet and hurty feelings in play,) than have I ever heard the full desired outcome happening. I guess if you just want one more roll in the hay before figuring out if you want that person back anyhow, you might give it a try....but I would not suggest St Expedite appreciates being your pimp, so if you ask for that with an honest heart and not for love, I worry he might say no or may get upset.
St Expedite is amazing. He's the go-to guy with money troubles, and other troubles, but I PERSONALLY FEEL with love the problem is not that he can't help, it's that quick in that situation is blinding oneself to the unresolved issues that usually make someone ask St Expedite for help in love, and those very problems which are unresolved will not solve the issue keeping 2 people apart. Since those issues won't have gone away, inevitably the end result would mean they cause seperation again.
Q: I'm in love with a person I hardly know who works at a business I patronize, or who comes to my work as a patron. I know their name. Is that enough to make them love me and marry me?
A: I love Ryan Gosling in the same way. You don't see me being called Mrs Gosling, now do you?
And realistically having never really met the man, I would go so far as to say, HOT DAMN on his sexy fine body and face, but he could be a real dick for all I know, so I don't want to marry him. I'd like to see his man-parts because I'm human and he's attractive. (As always Mr. Gosling, that offer stands open.) ;) That's basically what you actually want (except that you must be terribly lonely) when you ask me to make someone you've never met and have very little personal knowledge of to fall in love with you and marry you. It's suspect to me. Weird even. If you want someone who is your friend to take notice to you, fine. If you notice a single person who's hot, and want their attention (to see if they are worth loving,) fine. If you want to marry a person you only know by their face more or less, then pardon me, but that's just weird.
Having dated some very very very fine men in my day, hot doesn't mean they are worth knowing. In fact, sometimes someone just opens their mouth and a whole spew of jerk falls out. :P Guess what, hot in body and in face doesn't change the fact that an ugly heart or soul is still ugly and undesirable.
So is it enough? No. You've put that cart soooooooooooo in front of the horse that I suggest you take a few steps back, and use something a bit milder to see if a few dates might be a good idea. Otherwise you'll end up with nothing OR if you're really lucky, you'll end up with a dangerously obsessive psychopath who is nothing like you'd hoped who now loves you and won't let you go.
Q: I am having some issues with my money spells manifesting - I've just been using something like success and money drawing type oils. Any suggestions?
A: Try a dressing an orangey-yellow candle (much like my skintone in the pic of me in the top left corner at this writing - me so orange!) in Crown of Success, Money Drawing, and ONE of the following three: Van-Van, Roadopener, or Blockbuster. Blockbuster would probably be more block busting than you need. I recommend Van-Van or Roadopener more than Blockbuster. Also, try adding lemongrass, bay leaf, and irish moss to the candle. It usually works quite nicely to bring in more income.
I'm sure there are several more questions forthcoming. Sorry about the repetitive theme lately. ;)