Hey Occulties,
Sorry for the wait on this....I seriously re-wrote a bunch for not really liking the first two versions of this article....I think that just comes with being a writer....and my bird destroyed my keyboard, which didn't really facilitate either first versions being quickly edited. ;)
As I'd said before, this is part of a special series, and with that being said, if you are looking for all of your reconciliation problems to not be problems anymore right this very moment and you want a full manifestation of all of your work RIGHT THIS SECOND, you probably aren't going to find this useful.
I am writing this article mostly for people who, because they got sick with lust for results and it slowed manifestation, OR because they had a very crappy situation before they started the work and that translated into a long manifestation wait, OR both of those problems at the same time, are finding themselves needing just one little glimpse of the situation turning around in their favor to help them along their journey of manifestation.
I would guess that if some of you could just feel a little bit better, waiting a few more weeks for all that big glob of reconciliation spellwork you did to manifest won't feel like you're waiting three million years for each single day that passes. And there are some things we can do to make the situation brighten for you a bit while you wait...some pretty fast acting stuff, in fact. :) This might lessen those nasty emotions making you have lust for results, or drag you up from depression...and you won't contact me to discuss the meaning of a single emoji,* - so it's a WIN/WIN sort of situation.
HEALING- I would say almost everyone in a reconciliation situation needs healing. Sometimes, no, but if the applications for spellwork are to tell me anything, it's common for people to write something like "My mental state is fine, though I do sometimes cry for several hours a day, and then I haven't left the house in a week, and I lost my job because I'm really depressed, but that's pretty normal, so I'm sure I'm working through it." That actually is very unhealthy. I am not the crying police (I really hope there is not such a thing,) and I admit I come from a generation that isn't about crying a lot (my father's generation only has the proverbial stiffer upper lip to mine own,) BUT it is NEVER healthy to cry so much over a break up that you don't leave your house for weeks. You are not OK. But it's fine to not be OK. That's why you need to do some healing work on yourself.
Heck, everyone needs to do healing on themselves when they are still crushed by a break up or by grief. IT CAN ONLY HELP!
And think how much better you will feel! :D :D :D Everyone likes feeling better.
I take absolutely no credit for the following spell. It's from Draja Mickaharic's work, and while I would normally be nice to put all the necessary info like which title that is, I lost the book in my house fire a few years back. I think it is in either Magical Techniques or More Magical Techniques from his work published on Lulu, and about 15ish years ago. All you need to do - and this is so easy, - is get yourself a chicken's egg, and now if this was in the fridge, you let that set out an hour or so to let it get to room temperature because otherwise it will sweat. Is it room temp? Great. You need a saucer, an image of yourself, and that egg. At bedtime, place the saucer on a table, place your image in the saucer, and then place the egg over the image. Pray sincerely that all of the grief and paid and trauma you are feeling right now will be pulled from you and into the egg. Now go to bed. In the morning, crack the egg into the toilet and flush. Repeat regularly (even nightly is fine) until you feel better. It works VERY WELL.
I know I have suggested a salt bath to remove negativity to more than one person (put salt in bath, lie in salty water, then stand and wash down -head to foot- to remove negative influences,) though something stronger might help more... Please visit a site like Hoodooroots.com for healing and blessing baths. You can also do a simple healing bath with pink or white rose petal, balm of gilead bud, and a bit of chamomile made into a tea and added to a bath. Wash UP (feet to head) to bring the healing on you.
And keep in mind, sometimes the energies used in reconciliation can warm up (excite) emotions, and this can lead to a stinky side effect of exciting your need for someone you're trying to retrieve...which is fine if they are there, but if you haven't gotten them back yet, those "excited" emotions can really be frustrating. I am sure I have said this before on my blog (I know I have taught it in my classes before,) but if you're already emotional and frustrated and upset, it does help to focus your spellwork ONLY on the target. A trap many people fall into is working love magic on themselves AS WELL AS their target. If you feel like making yourself even more in love with your target would be detrimental to your mental and emotional state right now, then DO NOT put yourself in that spell. When you make your name paper, instead of crossing your target's name with your own and writing the command in a circle around the names, write the target's name, then cross it with a command, for example "John Smith" (target) written nine times (once each line), crossed with the command "Loves and desires only Jane Jones" (where the petitioner is Jane Jones.) This will place the spell solely on "John Smith" rather than both the target and petitioner.
ATTRACTION- You know what feels really awesome? Everyone thinking you're really awesome. ;) And you know what else? Sometimes if everyone thinks you're awesome, your ex turns around, notices how awesome everyone perceives you as being, and then is like "why did I let something so awesome go?" And then makes them give chase as well. :)
So if you're in a funk, and you feel underappreciated and unloved, then it's time to do some SUPER SIMPLE spellwork and get that attention from everyone. Your ex will almost certainly notice.** And even if they don't, it really does perk people up to do a little attraction work and feel wanted. :)
While I would more strongly suggest using a red figural candle responding to your own sex (so people who are female or identify as female should use a female candle, and people who are male or identify as male should use a male candle,) I realize not everyone has a ritual store to hop on over to (or even some people don't identify as male or female,) so just using a regular old red candle will do. I have gone over fixing a figural candle here, but if you're using a regular candle instead, write UP (base to wick) "Everyone who comes in contact with ("Me" or "(Name of target)") is attracted like a moth to a flame, feeling love and desire for (Me/Name of target), they are all drawn to me." Add a bit of semen or of menstrual blood/cervical secretions (if you can medically still menstruate, the menstrual blood is a stronger link, but if this is no longer possible or if you really just can't wait to have a period right now, just the normal cervical secretions are just fine,) to some attraction oil, and anoint your candle UP (base to wick) with this mixture. Now sprinkle some sugar on this - just regular old table sugar, - and light this saying "I draw to myself/(name of target)*** the attentions of all those around me, that they come to me filled with love and desire, seeking to be near me, to love me, to know me. Like moths to my flame, I attract the love of all those around me to me. As is my will, so be it!" And let that candle burn all the way out. The attention should be noticeable almost immediately. :)
ROADOPENING- I really love roadopener work. It pretty much suits ANY AND ALL situations. Think of it like this, if spellcasting is us deciding what we want, and manifestation is the road to that desire, roadopening is like a little road crew that clears debris, fills potholes, and speeds your journey. It breaks down obstacles, and speeds up the outcome. That's a very good thing. My favorite road opener spell is very easy and anyone can do it. While I do have a recipe for roadopener, Hoodooroots.com is a very reputable source for any needed oil or candle or etc. I am relatively sure at this writing that Dara at Hoodooroots will prepare a road opener candle for you, but if that isn't the case, you only need a yellow orange candle and roadopener oil to do the work yourself. How I do this is that I dress a 7-day vigil light (the large, glass encased candle,) with roadopener oil, and then as my target I use the situation or people involved. So, applying this to a reconciliation situation for "John Smith," and "Jane Jones" I would write John Smith's name 3x (once per line, ie
John Smith
John Smith
John Smith) then turn the paper so that the names run vertically, and write (horizontally) Jane Jones' name 3x (once per line) which creates a sort of "tic tac toe" shape then in an approximate circle around the names, I would write "Break down all obstacles currently preventing this couple from reconciling," repeating that command as many times as I need to (2 or 3 times with my handwriting,) to complete the circle. I then fold this towards me once, then once more towards me to quarter the paper. And place this beneath my candle. I then light the candle, and holding both hands up, one on either side of the candle, would ask that all obstacles keeping this couple apart be removed, so that they can reunite and reconcile. I know a lot of you don't like to ad lib (and that's OK,) so you might say "I ask sincerely that all obstacles keeping (name) and (name) from reconciling be removed, that all that prevents (me/name of targets) from coming together in love and in happiness and in desire now be cleared from my path, as is my will, so be it!" and then allow the candle to burn out on it's own. The name paper is one I generally leave in a crossroads or in a public trash can near this type of area.
OUSTING THE RIVAL- While it is generally something I don't share, due to a huge proclivity towards misuse, I will offer a little something to get that rival who your beloved is currently seeing out of the picture because I know a lot of you give TOO MUCH POWER to your rival. See, most of us would be well served as seeing that person as a random vagina he fell into that is no big thing, or a random penis she fell onto and who is no big thing. If we did that, then we wouldn't have that person as being some big powerful thing that our ex can hurt us with, but...that's easier said than done. Your ex went and hooked up after you broke up and now this person is sitting in your "seat" and you're just livid about it. So what can you do?
I'd had so much damn fun making someone a sour jar recently, that I will share how to do a sour jar. :) So, here's what you do, - first get an image of your rival, then get an image of your ex, and a jar. Now, get a lemon (the more bitter the lemon, the better,) pickled jalapenos or pickled banana pepper (I prefer the former,) some dead bugs (the more pestilent, the better...so ants, cockroaches, or even - and it's off season at this writing, - flies and mosquitoes,) salt and white vinegar. Now also get a black pen or marker and some black or purple candles. So, let's use John Smith and Jane Jones again as our target couple. This time, we're making them sour at each other. On John Smith's picture, write "Detest Jane Jones with every fiber of your being," and on Jane's picture, we write "Detest John smoth with every fiber of your being," writing this over the face area of each image. Throw these into the jar, adding lemon juice, some peppers, dead bugs, about 1/4 to 1/2 cup salt, and filling this to full with white vinegar. Place the lid on the jar tightly. Now hold the jar in your hands and envision the couple being cold and avoidant towards each other, just really being annoyed and sour and silent towards each other. Place the jar on your altar, and light a black candle and say "By this candle I conjure (name of target) and (name of target,) to detest each other, and feel only cold anger and resentment for the other, - as is my will, so be it!" And now let the candle burn out. Place this jar in your REFRIGERATOR (do not use the freezer, - exploding jars suck,) taking it out of the refrigerator for about 2 hours before burning a candle on it again. You should burn candles on the jar every Saturday, Tuesday, and Thursday until the couple splits up. :)
Hopefully this is some help in awakening some more positive feelings about your situation, and any of these little spells can put the spring back into your step while you wait for a bigger manifestation (that giant glob of spellwork we spoke of, above,) as well as prevent lust for results from making you obsessive and crazy.
*Because I've been asked, yes, people ask me what their target or their rival means when they see a single emoji placed by this person. I am expected to come up with at least a few paragraphs which illustrate some sort of crazy amount of secret intention behind a single emoji, and my interpretation is, I gather, to bring forth ground-breaking insights. This is not ONE PERSON who has asked this of me, but a hoarde of them. In all honesty, if you send me an emoji, or a screen shot of said emoji and where it has been placed, I will probably not have any earth-shattering insight or novel-length-meanings for it. I will simply say, "I think that emoji means s/he was amused," or "That's pretty standard of an emoji for someone's new profile picture." I also do not have really insightful things to say about someone liking a post, or hearting it....and I know of What's App and SnapChat and have seen them, but never used them, so I am useless as tits on a bull if you tell me like someone SnapChatted an emoji image over an image of an otter, or something (I clearly have no idea what SnapChat does or what people send on it...something to do with temporary stuff, and I think sometimes people send racy images, but it's not exactly secure...and maybe pictures of otters, too, - I really don't know.)
**I want to add the caveat that if you and your ex do not live near each other, inhabit the same social circles, and/or have no contact, they might not notice. I have very few exes (I can think of maybe one,) who are people who would not get some sort of feedback that suddenly I am the most awesome thing since awesome became a thing, but I realize modern dating means some people do not share enough people in common or have geographical distances which mean they also don't share geography in common. :P Attraction can still make you feel better in these cases, but will likely not affect your reconciliation case either way.
***Obviously, replace "me" and myself with the name of the target/petitioner (the petitioner, or person the spell is cast on behalf of, is the target here) or the proper pronoun.