Hey occulties,
While I wait for my business site to update (yay, techie issues,) I figured we could review some of the actions and behaviors which help your spell work manifest faster and better. As many of you know, I get the (not always fun) honor of being the driving force behind bringing lust for results to the forefront of discussion (I’ve even had several people unknowingly quote me back to myself, lol,) so let’s talk today on that and other little changes in behaviors and actions that help your spell work manifest faster and stronger.
First off, keep the situation and spellwork out of your thoughts as much as possible. This is not always easy (not even for me, and I been casting spells longer than a percentage of my readers have been alive,) or even entirely possible. And perhaps this is is a mystery as to WHY this is important. Well, 2 reasons - thoughts have energy just as spells do, and the behavior is in and of itself often a lack of faith.
So let’s discuss the first point - that thoughts have energy. Every thought we have is in fact composed of energy and just as the law of attraction (which is more like physics and not like any of the terrible books on manifesting which I have read,) is a factor in spellcasting, so is it with our thoughts. If we constantly ruminate on a specific topic, we can literally stagnate the energy surrounding that very topic. Our spells being therefore attached to the same topic also find themselves stalling as these thoughts stagnate all movement and even at times consume the spell energy as well. This is why I tell obsessive overthinkers that they are truly not fit for spellcasting until they can get more control of this issue.
But it’s not just my overthinkers in the audience with a problem. Sometimes I find people who claim to have an a-type personality cause lust for results because they need a specific set of events to happen with perfect predictability and this misdirects and impedes manifestation. Look at it like this: if you order a turkey sandwhich with cheese and mayo on 12 grain bread, you should not have a difficult time getting this. But if you insist it only be crafted by a man with the first name of Peter who is exactly 35, using bread sourced only from Canada, and the cheese must only be from France, and your mayo made in house with cage free eggs, and the turkey only from a specific turkey farm in Ohio with the turkey only being harvested in a specific week in October and that this all be prepared while Pete wears roller skates and only between 11:05-11:10am is this to be made, and every single person involved in every single part of making this item must have sung “come on Eileen” whilst so doing - well good luck on that and let’s see who gets their turkey sandwich. See magic takes the path of least resistance, and in my experience, humans think we are smart and know what that is, but we don’t. Plus, did you want a proverbial turkey sammy or not? Because if you have to dictate and micromanage the journey to the end product it’s gonna be awhile if it comes at all. Instead clearly know your goal, (are you happy w the proverbial turkey and cheese, or do you need to know and dictate every part of its creation plus get the turkey and cheese,) and if you are ok with getting the end product and not dictating every step of its creation then you may be fit to cast spells or have them cast for you, if you can’t manage not knowing how and why it will manifest before it does, if you’re going to obsess about that journey, spell work isn’t for you. I didn’t make that rule and it’s hard on me sometimes too, though more often because dealing with someone who can’t let go and let the spellwork manifest is worse than being the person who can’t (and I’ve been both.) And you may not like that this is how spells work, or that you’re wired this way, but the reality is that the behavior can be unlearned, and it’s on you to unlearn it so your spells can work.
Now on the second point, that this is caused by a lack of faith… You’d not be so anxious and overwrought about the situation if you believed fully that the spell would work or that the outcome would be satisfactory and doubt is certainly not a spell’s friend. In fact the constant fixation and fear is actually repelling the desired outcome rather than drawing it to you as faith would.
While that is definitely a very very condensed explanation of lust for results, it should help those of you who need the view.
This also should clarify why you must KEEP SILENT about active spellwork, because other people can actually have lust for results about your spellwork. So, if it’s not manifested be very very selective about who is aware of your work. Some of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever seen were newbie groups where the newbies posted pics of spells they just cast, recounting every detail of what it was for and what was desired, only to complain if didn’t manifest and the “mods” didn’t even discourage this whatsoever. Tightly limit the amount of people who know you have active spellwork.
Of course keep in mind you must work WITH your spell. Sometimes this is obvious - you need to apply for the job and show up dressed right and with proper behavior during the interviews even if spellcasting for the job. However some things might be less obvious - bringing up the relationship, groveling and begging, and throwing yourself at your love spell target is just as harmful as arguing with them! And you should actually avoid speaking ill of a curse target to others, which may seem contradictory.
Do not put a “death clock” or “fail date” on your spellwork. This is simply the practice of deciding that if the spell work hasn’t worked by a specific time, it’s failed. You actually manifest failure by picking that date. I get that people like setting goalposts and I don’t fault you for it, but I neither dictate the law of attraction nor how spellwork manifests. If I’m being fair, this is one of the reasons I dislike giving out time frames, because inevitably some types create a fail by date when given one when the actual answer to how long will this take to manifest is “however long it needs to take,” and not a specific amount of time. You must instead look at the situation as an active and living thing. If the desire is a seed and the spell is sunlight and water just because it has not sprouted yet, this may be from other factors. You do not repeatedly dig it up with lust for results to see if it’s working, then cut off the water and light because you thought that if it hadn’t sprouted it must have failed, instead you let the seed be and you water it and give it light. But our fail by date makers take it one step further by sending out the message via the law of attraction to manifest spell failure. To the universe when you say “if this hasn’t happened by x date, it won’t happen,” you send out “I don’t want this to happen on or before this specific date,” or even worse “I want this never to happen.” Don’t do that to yourself. It’s fair to want a ballpark idea of how long something will take and I firmly relate to this, having really wanted a strong idea of that wot my own situations but the more you cling to that time frame, the more you worry on it, the longer it takes. Even for me in my personal work. It’s pretty average for spells take 21-48 days to manifest, but that’s not going to suit every situation. So let it go. This took me years to learn to let go of timing and I don’t expect it to be easy for you, but when you let it go, it happens so much faster.
You must also learn to accept your situation. Countless times I’ve encountered people who are afraid of being broken up from the person they want me to reconcile. They can’t accept that the break up happened. The thing is, you can’t move on to a better future if you’re stuck in the past. Everything will fly by you and you won’t get what you want, not until you accept what has happened, and move forwards. This might mean forgiving yourself or someone else for hurting you, it might mean accepting something very scary and traumatic has happened, and was not avoided…but you can’t live in a burned out home, just rebuild the home you lost in a fire. It means processing the pain and grief of that traumatic incident as it is now a part of your story, but it does not mean your story ended, just a dramatic twist happened. So, accept the present situation so you can build the future you desire.
Don’t be wishy-washy, either. If you want a thing, go for it, but if you go for it and have second thoughts later you’re wasting everyone’s time, including your own. The amount of times someone rescinded a desire for revenge when a curse was cast isn’t small. There’s an old saying “you’ve made your bed, now go lie in it” and if you cast a spell for something, be willing to accept the outcome.
Im sure I’m forgetting to add many important things but that’s all the review for today. Off to mess with my gol-danged tech stuff some more.