Hey Occulties,
Time once again for questions you’ve asked me!
Q: Was the recent eclipse good for anything magically?
A: Assuming it was visible to you, yes, but as I’d said to various readers and clients, our forebears didn’t use such phenomena that wasn’t visible to them (as they likely were not aware of it,) and it would not have been any more important to them than a massive storm 5000 miles away that never affects you is to you. That people make a gigantic to do about such things - generally looking to capitalize on such events in some way - is true, but that is probably it’s top use. A rare event rakes in some business. Magically speaking, this caused disruption of solar energies during a mercury retrograde, so it’s usefulness would have been cursing businesses, blocking communication, ending friendships, and shedding of negative habits and people, assuming you were in the eclipse’s path and it was visible where you were.
Q: Recently I started casting my own spells and they are not cheap to cast even when someone says they are! Can you give some advice or assistance towards spells which I can affordably cast?
A: Imagine if every time you cooked for yourself, you needed to repurchase every implement used in cooking and consuming your food. Further, you had to purchase every ingredient. That would be terribly expensive quickly, even if you used paper plates and plastic cutlery.
Or to repair a broken step, you not only needed the material to repair the step, but every tool involved.
However, if you had these tools on hand like many of us do, it would be affordable, right? If you had the materials on hand, those are not expensive if you use them frequently - correct? Spell casting is very similar. I have these materials and tools as part of my business. It’s not expensive for me to use a few drops of ritual oil. I don’t need to purchase poppyseed because I already have poppyseed and it’s not all that expensive in the sense that when I purchase it, a bag of it lasts me for eons.
If you are new to spellcasting, a box of candles, and several ritual oils, and etc - bought all at once, this is anything but affordable. I’ve been in a housefire and had to replace a lot of stock and it was painful to try to afford so I understand entirely. Furthermore, I would be using these items over and over. If you’re just casting spells once or twice you will have all of this extra and the cost will seem burdensome.
So if you want to cast spells repeatedly and for a long time to come, the investment is modest. If you merely want something specific and do not see yourself taking spellcasting on as a hobby, you may be better off to just employ another to work for you.
I do try to post a few spells that do not require specially-formulated oils or ingredients, but to me, most of this is within easily-affordable range. That said, what I have on hand just from cooking for my household might not be what you also keep on hand. Honey, glass jars which have been repurposed, tea light and chime candles, table sugar, salt, cayenne, black pepper, scraps of paper, white vinegar, lemons, cloves, cinnamon, - many ingredients do exist in a majority of kitchens. If you don’t cook or own only three spices, this may be more difficult for you. I also employ regular household items - old nails, pins, sewing needles, thread, etc. The items which tend to be most difficult are region specific. Even animal parts like hearts and feet and things too or I don’t generally cook with in the states are much easier to locate than you might think, and can even be ordered through many supermarket butchers if you can’t find them in store.
So I disagree that it can’t be affordable. The condition oils can be a right pain in the arse and some if the candles if in specific shapes as well but a fair amount t items really are in many households and if they aren’t and you want to learn spellcasting, you’re going to have to purchase a supply of it eventually. So start with those spells containing easier ingredients and slowly increase what you have on hand. It’s hard when you’re starting out, but you quickly accumulate what you need.
Q: What would you say was the hardest thing to learn for you when it came to spellcasting?
A: I guess that specific goals can be met, but we have to wait to know how and why they manifest. Like anyone else, there were times I was really invested in that situation, the how and why were of great importance to me, I had a hard time letting it go and destroyed a few good spells with my own lust for results.
I also took years believing in some sort of divine retribution lest I use magic unkindly or unfairly and that took some time to unlearn.
It helped me in many ways to NOT have such direct access to occult experts because instead of using them as a crutch, I had to take what knowledge was doled out in very expensive books and try to make it work even if it was unclear. This taught me to be adaptive and inventive but within parameters which meant I used things I knew already in new ways - I didn’t just make up random shit. But because of the content at the time, it also meant having to unlearn a few bad habits and false teachings later, just as many people do regardless of the age we are in. Still I like that it fostered independence and encouraged resourcefulness and adaptability, which are both very important traits in a strong spellcaster…
But it was learning to avoid lust for results. While I don’t love the credit of being the driving force behind us discussing that more, it was virtually never discussed then. Now neophytes quote my own work back to me as well as younger experts, without realizing they wouldn’t have learned it if it wasn’t a huge stumbling block for me, and I felt it needed more focus. It’s a bit of a trip to have people quote you back to yourself without realizing they are.
Q: Will the Inranquil Spirit haunt me or curse my relationship?
A: Absolutely no. For starters let’s all be honest with ourselves, and admit you’d not be using this working if the relationship wasn’t already destroyed, so there’s no relationship in good standing to ruin, as it IS ruined! This is merely a tale told to frighten people. The real problem is that people do not understand that this spell generally requires supportive spell work to keep the relationship together (as once you’ve reunited, the intranquil spirit is no longer making your ex desperate to come back and be forgiven,) and/or they refuse to let their ex initiate contact and/or they are all over their ex and acting crazy when the ex does make contact, thus scaring him other right off again.
Q: What else do you see in my reading?
A: I do not do general readings. It’s not helpful to myself or my client, and the more vague of a question I ask, the more vague of an answer is returned to me, which is then passed on to the client, so I usually am pretty insistent on relatively direct questions like “Is (ex) interested in coming back?” Or “will I get the promotion?” which means random, unrelated knowledge will not likely pop up that isn’t given at the time of the reading. Therefore asking me this repeatedly (which about a third of my clients do,) isn’t helpful. I’m asking after a specific topic, returning the information I receive, then moving on to the next topic. I’m not holding anything back and tend to be very quick in returning any and all information received as we go. This may not be how other readers work, but you aren’t mopping up any forgotten bits by asking it, as I don’t sugar coat and I don’t hold back.
Q: How can I get my ex to come back and marry me?
A: If you aren’t even in a functional relationship with this person, marriage should be the least of your concerns. You must first reconcile with them and be capable of having a functional and happy relationship before worrying about marriage. I know that isn’t fun to hear but every mercury retrograde I get a fair amount of people asking me this and my answer is always the same - if you aren’t even a couple, worry about being a couple and making a basic romantic relationship work before you worry about making that romance into a marriage.
I hope that was educational! Back soon with more spells and articles!