Hey Occulties,
Sorry for the long pause in posting. I got busy and paying work takes precedence over blog and Instagram posts so I do apologize. The sale is over so I hope everyone enjoyed sale prices. Also, I would have a lot more time if we had less readings going on. These are not easy or just me focusing for a brief moment. They are a huge energy drain vs what some people think which seems to be they feel it’s similar to me trying to remember what shoes I was wearing yesterday or something similar. Instead, it’s more comparable to say doing a Zumba class while simultaneously acting as a server at a catering event. If you think you could do that class while also retaining a clean pleasant approachable appearance and behavior and hand out canapés to guests (let’s just forget that punching and kicking would make that difficult, haha) without upsetting them, then you should also do readings. 😂 Now imagine doing that several times in a row. So four Zumba classes in a row and serving while you do it, and follow it with a decathalon which represents the spellcastings I do every day, then 4-6 hours of rest and repeat that daily for a week or two. Now perhaps some of you understand why I’m curt if you want an “emergency” reading “right now” (when I don’t have the free time) when you miss your appointment, generally for a situation which is neither an emergency or requiring of a psychic to tell you where you’re misstepping. In many of those cases, the client is merely over-eager for the endgame and is pushing their romantic target too hard to agree to- or act in a manner which is what their spell is meant to create, a behavior which pushes away the very outcome they desire. That’s not anything but psychology 101. If you keep pushing someone in the mundane eventually they get annoyed and push back in the opposite direction which is usually what’s causing the “emergency” of a target’s “not reacting to the spell” (because the target is reacting to the bad behavior of the client.) Remember, it’s imperative not to work against the spellwork. I’ve done the same thing, so I can relate to how easy it is to behave like this, but if you want a reading to confirm it, you need to keep your appointment and understand this is a lot of energy for me to use up and a lot of money for you to pay me to use it up to tell you the likely reason you’re experiencing what you are which I just told you for free right here.
Either way (that was a novel to write out, haha) for those of you who managed to get through that without becoming angry because you feel called out (I have a ridiculous amount of active cases right now and probably ten people acting as above so trust and know you aren’t being singled out,) or stopped reading because you got bored (it happens,) let’s get to today’s real topic…
Fast results vs lasting results.
For my younger readers, I’m sure you will roll your eyes, but the idea that we should expect instant gratification, - that is that every action to bring us to some desired goal should bring that goal to us instantly, - is a relatively recent phenomenon. If we look back even 150 years, just to have food in some edible form was often a multi hour process. New clothes were generally hand sewn by many people even this recently. Both of my grandmothers (who were born in the 1920s,) had sewn many clothes in their lives as this was a basic skill expected of women at the time as bought clothing was initially rather costly. So you didn’t just go to a massive superstore equivalent of pre-internet Shein 😂 There was an industrial boom at the beginning of the 20th century, which did provide many ready-made goods, but the quality was sometimes so poor, that people continued to make their own from scratch. Even when I was little, a lot of pre-made ready meals were…well, they were kind of gross. I still love Spaghetti-O’s with meatballs but honestly it was about that level. So we knew to have good food required cooking. Clothes when I was little were all ready made but if you lived in a very small town like I did, you either had to drive for about forty minutes to get to a mall or department store, or you had to order them which took a few weeks to receive your goods. People who grew up with little or no internet did not have instant access to knowledge and news (if you didn’t know how to use a microfiche, good luck,) we had to cook and finding everything you ever wanted was virtually impossible because Sears definitely wasn’t hocking skull candles or ninja shaped salt and pepper shakers. So if you’d do ridiculous amounts of research you could order away for stuff you wanted and then prayed it arrived since you couldn’t always be sure it wasn’t just a catalog scam.
Now I’m sure many of my younger readers are also wondering if I knew kids who walked eight miles in the snow uphill both ways to get to school and the answer is no it was more like 2 miles or so and not necessarily uphill both ways depending on their route and it was to get to the school bus but yes I did know those people and that really did happen. 👵🏻 I’m not even joking.
But the point isn’t how badass we all were but more that living in such a manner taught us not to expect instant gratification. However many people quickly learned that bad trait despite such an upbringing.
That we expect something to happen virtually overnight or faster is a mental illness brought about by modern society. Generally, the younger you are, the more you expect this. Of course much like nature does not work like this most of the time, then also spells also do not work in this manner.
But, sometimes we need (not just want but need) something to happen this fast. While it certainly feels like we need love situations to change as we want them to almost immediately, generally this is wholly untrue and also counterproductive in the long term. You see, it brings a tenuous result..that is anyone who changes their heart so rapidly often changes it right back quite rapidly. That might not matter if you need someone to loan you rent money in a hurry (once you have the money, it’s yours) or decide to hire you over another, or even make a court decision in your favor since once these decisions are made they are not easily undone. But with love? If you need a speedy reconciliation it should be over a minor blow up where neither of you ended a relationship… like you want this person to stop being angry while you are visiting family during the holidays - not to fix an epic break up where you’ve not spoken in weeks. And many of you won’t heed that advice and your reconciliation will rapidly fall apart for it.
So when you become frustrated because you want something instantly, remember a lasting influence occurs generally from a slower manifestation. That isn’t what a lot of people want to hear. They want everything this minute, but in some cases that’s more heartache than happiness as someone coming and going is very hard on the human heart. So when you want fast results, you generally should stick to results involving money, getting a job, or legal matters like court cases. Health and relationships are better served with lasting results which take a bit longer to manifest and require some patience. If you’ve been raised to expect instant gratification, you will struggle with that. If you lived at least 10-12 years of your life without the internet, it will be a bit easier.
Emotional resilience also plays a part here. I know when my partner is being an asshat, I’m a mess and I want him to stop that now. And I’m a pretty resilient woman. If you aren’t emotionally resilient, it may feel nearly impossible to tolerate any wait. The best advice I can offer is to think that relationships form and break and mend very much like our life and health do. It takes months to form a little baby human that’s healthy enough to survive outside its mother, then anything from slow malnutrition or mistreatment can destroy that being’s health and to fix it back to being healthy can require months of proper treatment. Relationships are the same. You can’t impart a seemingly mortal wound to a living thing and then expect it will be 100% healthy if you give it a pill. So severe of a shock to the body is apt to require more treatment. Yes there are exceptions to every rule but most of the time you need time and treatment to heal the body and to heal a relationship.
So if you’re seeking fast short term influence- yes on fast results. Long lasting influence comes from workings that manifest a bit slower.
I know this was a review but it needed being said.
Get a deal on readings over at my Instagram