Hey occulties,
Should you find a woman chasing after your man (or woman), or even worse, having him start to listen to her, or even worse carrying on in an affair, then even if you throw him out (and even if you don’t,) you should try this out so everyone knows what she is, and trust me…whatever good reputation she has left will disappear if you do this right (it looks easier than it is.) This tends to really only work well on someone who’s already of a low moral character (and people who intentionally pursue someone in a committed relationship would qualify,) so if you’re the third party trying to oust the other, it might not work as you’d hoped unless that woman’s cheating on the partner you’re pursuing.
You will need:
A hair from her head - or even better a pubic hair if you can get one
Hair from a female cat in heat, preferably an orange cat, secondarily a black cat, lastly any cat in heat
Tiger Balm
A cowrie shell
patchouli herb
A red candle (large is best)
Red thread - a whole spool
Optional: an image of the target
Take the hair of the target and tie it in a knot with the hairs from the cat in heat, and as you do say, just as this cat calls for anyone to fuck her, so do you (target’s name) scream for anyone to fuck you.” Say this while you think of your target, legs spread, begging for a lover. Now push this hair into the cowrie shell and say “(name of target,) this is your pussy,” and shove patchouli in and say “this patchouli grows your insatiable lust,” and spread Tiger Balm in, trying to get it inside, and say, “feel the heat and the warmth and feel it grow your desire for anyone and everyone to enter into you.” Now light your red candle, and drop some wax over the shell to coat it. Take your red thread, and start wrapping it around the shell lengthwise, in a clockwise motion, while you say “(name of target,) everyone you come in contact with, you irresistibly want to seduce that person, and feel them inside you, and you hunger for them until you let them have them,” over and over, leaving the outer parts of the cowrie shell uncovered to still represent the labia of the vagina, and then tie it at one end, saying the chant you used while wrapping, tie a knot at the other end, repeating the chant again, then tie a length at that end into a loop, repeating it once more, and say “as is my will, so be it” You should, throughout this process, keep a mental image of your target throwing themselves at everyone who passes, begging for sex from everyone.
Now if you have an image, place this beneath the candle, and place the loop on your index finger of your right hand, and holding the item over the flame (making sure you’re far enough that it won’t catch fire of course,) make the shell go in a circle counterclockwise while repeating “slut, whore, one man/woman/person isn’t enough, you always want more,” over and over and over for at least five minutes. Snuff or pinch out (do not blow out) the candle. Repeat daily for as long as you’d like. The target should become so crazed for sex from absolutely anyone that unless they are a porn star, people will be disgusted and derisive towards the target. Like I’m talking several partners a day if they can have them. Use the same candle of course.
This spell is best begun on a Tuesday in the first quarter of the lunar cycle
As always if you have questions, please ask!
This spell is copyright ©️OriginalNinjaCat.com and can not be shared without permission