Hey occulties,
I’m not a fan of gossip, and while there’s definitely stop gossip spells, someone somewhere is always naive enough to believe lies and rumors. I’m lucky in this respect…Mr NinjaCat knows who he’s married to, and I have handfuls of personal items from those who are troublesome for personal reasons that he gave to me. But that may not always be true of every sociopath not singing my praises but parading around lies. Now if your momma never taught you if you can’t say anything nice, not to say it all, or at least only say it if it’s verifiable, you won’t like this spell.
You will need:
An animal tongue (beef tongues are easiest to find and frankly a small tongue will be amazingly hard to use)
A chicken’s foot
A sharp knife
The hottest pepper you can find (don’t disappoint me - grab that ghost pepper)
A mirror box to fit the tongue
Heavy black thread
An upholsterers needle
Real goofer dust*
A personal item from the target**
A slip of paper with all edges torn, not cut
A pen with black ink
Optional: Black duct tape
To make the mirror box, you should get duct tape and mirrors. The reflective side should never catch your reflection. Assemble the box allowing the top to swing open before permanently sealed. A box has six sides, and if making this you will need 4 long pieces and two smaller square pieces measuring on all sides length of the shorter end of your long pieces. I can’t slap your geometry teacher/s if you can’t make a rectangular box, but you might try cardboard cut outs first if you are unsure of your skills. Amazon.com should be able to provide mirrors if any size you request.
Write the target’s name 9 times once per line - so if, for example, our target is named Jane Doe we would write her name
Jane Doe
jane Doe
Jane Doe (then write it as so 6 more times
Now turn the paper so the names run vertical and write horizontally across the paper (to create something of a grid pattern) nine times - once per line -
All harmful words written or spoken by you about me return to you 3x3x3
its long so prepare accordingly. I just try to center it so that the names are covered by the command. That the command will have space on either side where it has no name under it us not worth a worry or emailing me in a panic. 😉
Now place your personal item into the center of the item and fold it in half away from you, and then in half away from you again, to quarter it.***
Using your knife, slice the tongue lengthwise on the top, but not all the way through (about halfway deep) saying “blistered be the tongue who speaks ill of me,” and keep the image of your antagonist in your mind’s eye as you do so. I like to talk to the person as I go along, but you only need say that. Now cut your pepper. I like to try to turn these inside out but that’s not easy so even cutting it in pieces is fine just make sure the hot bits are touching both the paper and tongue as you then place your bake paper in and liberally sprinkle this with goofer dust, making sure not to allow the dust to touch you. Now stitch this closed with nine X’s using your thread and upholsterers needle. Every time you make an X, say “Every word you wrote or speak against me returns to you 3 times three times three.” Take your chicken paw, and insert the leg end into the tongue slit so the foot end rests on the throat part of the tongue, and say, “you gag and choke before you speak I’ll of me again. Place the tongue into the mirror box and pour goofer dust over it liberally telling the antagonist he or she can expect nothing but pain and misery for speaking badly of you. Now seal the box shut. I like to further wrap these totally in duct tape. Why? Because as the tongue decomposes it let’s out gasses and the box can shatter as can it from just being buried (you’re burying it,) and this ensures their evil towards you is reflected back. When you seal the box you say “I return the evil of the words you speak against me back to you forever more.”
Now take the box to a graveyard or some abandoned place, and bury it. I like to hold an informal funeral for their lies and gossip but when you bury it all you need to say is “every word you speak or write against me, bounces off me and harms you three times three times three - as is my will, so it be!” Walk away without looking back.
When done well, this does have the tendency to harm others who believed the gossip enough to spread it or cause you harm in some way, so use judiciously.
Im sure there will be questions, so please ask.
*This is not talc, contains no talc and is actual dirt mixed with herbal and biological ingredients
**This may be hard to find but images are subpar for this working especially if you’re a beginner. That connection is imperative.
***this means if it were unfolded the creases make a + like form. I have no idea how this is a mystery but I’ve heard enough times that people don’t understand me so apparently I’m speaking in a dead language and hopefully this clears it up 😬
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