Hey Occulties,
So I think it started in 2022, (I know it’s been over a year certainly) but a pathetic human being who I’ve never worked for decided to start posting some really libelous stuff about me, mostly because she was upset that my husband didn’t love her, want her, and that he had no intention of being with her. She gets egged on to post again sometimes when a “friend” of hers who has called DHHS on her more than once - since most people I know in Portland despise her - gets it in her head to rile this crazy chick up again. Neither party is anyone myself or my husband wants in our lives, clearly. So for a year or more now, I get to explain this situation over and over when most of us don’t feel we should have to discuss our personal lives and why a crazy bitch stalks ourselves or our spouse.
By itself, that’s bad enough. Having a stalker who didn’t do that would be creepy enough.
So every once in awhile I’ll get someone who mysteriously cancels before I start their work because they’re gullible enough to believe that crazy person under one of her multiple identities (and frankly, that’s fine, - I have a metric fuckton of business and don’t need theirs,) but then if I’ve done the consultation, that’s lost money. And so thanks to my stalker, whereas I used to make money from 9 out of 10 leads ordering services, I now am wasting time on people who are sadly incapable of separating her lies from reality, and time is money.
They virtually all come from the same place so it’s a shame this has to be forced on everyone but it’s looking like I don’t have any choice. Readings will now come with a non-refundable $15 deposit, and spell consultations will come with a non-refundable $25 consultation fee. If a service is purchased it will be subtracted from the price. So services will still cost the same, but if you don’t have the deposit you won’t get scheduled and if you don’t pay for your spell consultation, you won’t get spellwork.
Basically, had this crazy woman not decided to come after me due to my husbands rejection of her, none of this would be happening but it is what it is. Sorry everyone.
One thing she didn’t do was mysteriously give everyone payment issues. This last week has been ludicrous. While I just moved yesterday (which was later than I’d wanted,) just about the same time everyone started up with the usual BS I get around the first. I can assure you that pay processors don’t all up and quit on the week of the first and to hear no less than SEVEN of you, ALL of them stopped working on your end which… I don’t doubt people have issues here and there but I know that’s bullcrap. You know, moving is expensive, and this made the move a much larger pain in my butt than it had to, and made it cost me more. I put aside the time for the consultations, made time to be sure I could do spellwork, all to be told a bunch of lies. It’s made me short on a few bills for it too, and those I pay my bills to want to hear your lies as much as I do. So you who did that are also the reason there’s a consultation fee and reading deposit.
And I’m sorry everyone that some very irresponsible people have ruined free consultations for you as well. If it’s become as much of a problem as it has, it’s long overdue.
Fortunately for all of you, and unfortunately for me, this means I don’t get the fourth off because I have to cover late charges and overcharges delayed payments caused me. I do hope the rest of the USA has a lovely day off though.
UPDATE: Well I was hoping I could reconsider this but 8 people (2 missed readings, 6 spell requests who ghosted before payment - other practitioners please see me for a list of ghost consults in March through July and I’ll let you know their details if I can confirm you are a practitioner so you can refuse before wasting time) decided for you that it was for the best. There’s no reason for this type of behavior, and since most of it comes from the same group, I’m sorry it’s now become mandatory for everyone that consultation and scheduling is paid. The site has been changed accordingly.