Hey occulties,
I thought I graduated high school many moons ago but Reddit is the gift that keeps in giving
So I need to start before I met Theban Witch. About a year ago when my husband and I went to move our uhaul was towed because a friend improperly handled the situation. Uhaul has to get the car out of impound and then never contacted us and claimed they destroyed everything we owned except our birds and a few clothes we never wear (the birds and clothes were in our hotel). That was terrible. Then we stayed with a friend since summer rents are awful and to save up and recover from that very traumatic event and moved into our townhouse in mid to late November. This cost all our savings. About two weeks into living there they pulled the scam they had pulled on several others as evidenced by the many things left behind in closets and evicted us, reducing us to poverty. In the worst fiscal month of the year. And my husbands health issues flared. Then we lived in short term rentals which made it impossible to save. I finally found a solution but it was not a fun few months. It was also traumatic obviously. All my witchy friends were throwing curse clearing crap at me at this point and I wasn’t saying no.
I had wanted to update my tech (still do but getting about there.) I’d made a post about accepting donations towards this. I want to say that was in March. I don’t recall. It’s important.
In the spring I had reports of a practitioner on Reddit sexually harrassing people. This is also important.
In May or June a man who goes by Theban Witch contacted me. He asked me about some redditors, and claimed people were harming him and hate seeing him and made some really bizarre claims. It was people telling me (before this happened) that he wanted them to send nude videos and masturbation videos. It was the sexual harasser. He then asked if I’d do an energy clearing for him. I said I would and offered the standard price. I wasn’t sure if I should but then, I figured perverts need energy work too. He never paid me, and I figured he changed his mind, so I moved on with my life. Then in June (I think) he made an offer like he’d send me clients if I gave him 40% of the take. This has never been standard practice. When i declined he said he was just being charitable because I’m poor and referenced a post in March - the tech one. I explained the situation all the way back to the townhouse if not the uhaul, and what I had endured and said it was a long time ago, that his concerns were mislaid, and he became rude and smug so I blocked him.
Around this time another man contacted me about a situation, paid me for a reading and as I recall the reading was fine. I don’t recall if I did work. He then asked for another reading and in his defense the connection was awful. When I tried to use other means it was clearly his phone. I couldn’t hear him well. This was almost 2 hours. I gave him the reading through email at least three times. This was at least an hour if not more. So for three hours of my time, he paid for a half an hour. And that’s what it is, except he’d nag me and demand free spell coaching. I’d talk to him for hours about casting his own spells and dispel myths and talk about his personal life through varying platforms. That’s actually a paid service. We moved right around this time and I’ll call him LB, I was like “Listen LB I just moved and spent everything I had and I’m still fighting to get electricity and my damn mattress here, sleeping on an air mattress, I’m not really up to helping you for free right now.” ANYONE who talked to me that week would tell you we were miserable. No bed, no AC… and everything was a shit show because it was the Fourth of July. And this guy is like texting me for hours about his opinions on spellcastlng and can I explain this and that and would I do that reading for the thousandth time. Relentlessly nagging me and trying to get me to do my job for free and I finally broke down and said what I said above.
He “graciously” bought a curse removal for 2/3 of the price. Then he held it over my head (I did the work) while blowing me up for a reading I’d done several times. Oh and more free spell coaching Finally I email him a reading with hard truth in it (she doesn’t love you like that,) and a hard truth that came up three times, sent images of the cards, and told him he was financially abusive and a freebie abuser, gave examples. I’d had enough. I fired him.
This Monday or Tuesday (yesterday or the day before) after seeing him in my insta feed I blocked or unfollowed him (can’t recall) because frankly I feel abused by him. I did then and I do now. He took advantage of us being poor from moving while also demanding all sorts of hours of my time unpaid. This is my job. It’s how I pay my bills. I resented seeing my abuser.
Today my phone blew up. Apparently LB had either misinformed Theban Witch about the situation after I blocked/unfollowed his insta, or they just decided I’m a cunt and he posted (unsurprisingly on Reddit,) lies and half truths then brought up that I’m poor and that horrible trauma again. Like I ain’t poor forever, buddy, I work 60 hours a week so that’s impossible. I’m over here in Maine minding my own business, literally fixing a part of my wall I have to replace, and a sex predator and a financially abusive fired client are making up stories and linking them to my name.
I hadn’t even said anything rude about either and I even have recorded calls and texts and emails. Like if you’re gonna gang up on me, one of you or both of you (might be both,) signed a contract that’s still binding (and you agreed to be fined thousands for this, lol) plus I have evidence you’re both full of shit. You were both awful to me (and in one case to several others) in your own ways and I just quietly minded my own business like I do and let it go. But you crave attention so here it is. You want to post lies, I’ll post the truth.
Now that’s the story. I’d be glad to link their pages and their sites and their social media but for now if they don’t want like charges for sex abuse and one of you was laundering money weren’t you? I know both of you were up to some bad stuff, Oh I have so much to go through, then maybe they should worry about the myriad other problems in their lives (that I’m aware of which can’t be all of them) and stop posting lies about me.
And for fuck sake stop posting about when I was poor after the townhouse. It’s like people making fun of my wonky eyebrow (that’s where I almost died, and I have some cool pics of what it looked like with me in the hospital bed almost dead actually,) and think it’s acceptable to judge like that. Like you post about my being traumatized like I’m the bad guy for being a victim ffs. You’re both terrible people. Yes I was poor in the cold months. Lost my house because the lease was a scam. Here’s some salt to rub in that wound. Oh and while you’re at it, of course moving to our home was expensive. Wow, I’m the only person who was ever broke right when they moved right? And if you guys think acting like bullies is cool, come and get it because I’m glossing over a lot.
To the TW there… you need to tend your own garden. People saying lotsa stuff and claiming they have proof. They’ve said it to me. If any of it’s true, you just make me look better saying bad stuff (because some perv asking girls to rub one out for him isn’t professional and is criminal) and if it’s false you just look stupid because what you’re saying about me is not true. I’m having those women send me proof but they told me about this shit before I met you because they wanted to know if I’d ever heard anything about you,
And to LB you are a man in your 50s now aren’t you? Why are you acting like a 17 year old mean girl and telling stories cuz I took you off my insta. Go find a nice appropriately aged lady and be happy. Like it’s social media, kid. Grow up. You’re bullying a woman by lying because you can’t financially abuse her or see her insta. How adult.
Really, the trash can take itself out. Thanks for the metric fuckton of business all this sent my way tho. That was unexpected.
UPDATE: Thank you to the many people who have contacted me on several platforms in a matter of hours after putting up my posts. It would seem TW has created quite the anti-fan base and then attacks supporters of the opponents and enemies he makes. A true sign of a quack is actually posting about other practitioners without being outright provoked. It’s actually a standard rule among professionals to keep to yourself matters where you are not attacked first, and since I’d said nothing about him publicly until he attacked me, clearly I did not fire the first shot. Remember creatures like this man thrive on attention - negative or positive, - because he suffers from a personality disorder and even this right now (me talking about him) feeds him. He wants everyone to pay attention to him and sadly after what I was told, he is thriving on people reporting his sex crimes and tirades, so we are all just feeding this attention hungry perv even now. I’d also like to thank everyone for their kindness and well wishes regarding the troubles we went through. It wasn’t easy but we are thriving again! I will try to follow up on this soon and you are always welcome to contact me with information on this man.