Hi Occulties,
Lets continue on with our discussion on current misconceptions neophyte spellcasters, spell customers, and to a lesser extent, the muggle public have presently, and what the realities to these confusions are.
Misconception: Doing spell work that takes away another’s free will is evil! People who use magic like that are evil! Or that’s what I really want maybe because if I don’t override this person’s free will, I won’t get what I want!
Reality: Evil or not, it’s technically next to impossible in most cases to actually deprive someone of their free will. 😂 Yeah, if you’re the puppet master and have taken the full autonomy of another human being, you’re badass. That’s metal. I’m impressed. Especially if you used no spirits and did the spellwork in under 2 hours.
Because while one might heavily influence another person, when we speak of losing your free will, this is technically full possession of the body of another person, and for great lengths of time, which having studied in this field for a long time, is something that takes a fair amount of dedication from a spirit to take over full autonomy of a human for great lengths of time, so I guess it’s not impossible as much as highly improbable that most humans walking this earth, would have the dedication and will to fixate on this person after breaking them down to take full autonomy etc etc.
Ive said this before, but using controlling spellwork is one of the hardest things to master for many and we are attempting to influence someone strongly, - not steal autonomy from the target- and even if we arguably gained autonomy for a brief moment there the expenditure of energy required to do so is usually greater than the value of the outcome, and there are much much better ways to get what you want which would not require such measures.
Hold up, you say, what? Autonomy? Possession?
Yeah, taking free will. See I can manipulate a target, I can influence them, - both are much easier - and yet, as a being which is autonomous and has free will, that target will react as it wants to, albeit it will react predictably in most cases and therefore do what I want or feel the way I want it to feel. Still, I never took its free will. To take it’s free will I need to take its autonomy and that is very difficult. Much harder than influencing a target.
You see the Creator, or the universe, or nature has bestowed free will on most creatures. Not just humans - bees and crickets, gold fish and sharks, eagles and crows, cattle and bears….we all have free will. This is for our benefit in many ways, and in some ways also to our detriment, but it does not mean that we are not incredibly predictable. Just as most children will choose a candy bar over broccoli, or most animals will abandon a den that has become saturated with water to find a drier home, or a fish will stop inhabiting part of a lake which has become alkaline, or many other examples, so can we use spell work to create a situation in which the target reacts somewhat predictably to stimuli. Of course the target still has autonomy of themselves, and therefore has the will to react however they choose, but like it or not, most living beings are incredibly predictable.
It does, however, help the practitioner greatly to understand psychology as well as the myriad rules of attraction. If you suck at seduction in your mundane life or only understand hetero male desire (and not what makes the hetero female respond,) or vice versa, if you do not understand the subtle differences of queer desire (it’s quite similar but there are a few subtle differences when working w a target who is non-binary,) or how to work with the sexual and romantic attractions of all of the lovely colors on the sexual/romantic spectrum, you won’t really excel at love and lust work. This is why there are so many incels failing at seduction magic, which is probably for the best, as they have no understanding of women or what attracts them to begin with.
But of course, in none of these cases did I suggest someone take full autonomy of their target, merely that by understanding the normal psychological responses of a target, they could create the desired situation.
True controlling magic (as in taking over the autonomy of the target for extended periods of time,) would be hugely difficult and strenuous. Many people would call spirits in such cases and even then, the price the spirit would request could be rather steep.
So when you say you don’t want to affect someone else’s free will, that’s good because most practitioners do not want to do so either. The cost (energy and time wise,) surpass the value when one really does not need to. Why not just apply certain stimuli to the target which will cause the desired outcome instead, and for probably 1/100th or less the time and effort!
And, when it comes to comes to good or evil, both are subjective terms, but not wanting to use COERCIVE spellwork (that is not wanting to apply manipulative spellwork to influence your target,) I’d s choice, but it’s not something that impacts free will anymore than my wearing make up and a sexy dress as opposed to no make up and a sack cloth impacts your free will when dealing with me.