Hey kids,
This is long overdue, so let's get on with it, shall we?
Please check your spam folder before complaining I haven't replied. Furthermore please give me AT LEAST TWO BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE COMPLAINING I HAVE NOT REPLIED. By the terms of service, I actually have FIVE BUSINESS DAYS, so imagine my surprise when i get complaints for a 18 hour reply wait.
PLEASE USE EMAIL ONLY! Using any other chat service or personal message service or site outside of my email comes with a very very high chance I will drop and lose the thread, and frankly if you did not email me, that means you took that risk willingly. I have a lot of clients and need to keep all my correspondence in my inbox, otherwise I start losing replies left and right. I also don't check every site every day, and my phone is almost permanently on do not disturb because it sounds like a robot having an orgy with a tribe of crickets any time I take it off that setting due to all of the people texting and chatting me.
STOP MAKING ME REPHRASE SOMETHING OVER AND OVER JUST BECAUSE YOU DO NOT LIKE THE ANSWER. My answer won't change, and I can rephrase whatever it is in many ways, as you are not the first of your kind and I doubt the last either, so I've dealt with this before.
I DO HAVE BUSINESS HOURS... I realize my clients are all over the world, but it's a lot to handle when people want me up at
1am because that's convenient for them, and then the next person wants time at 5am, and then the next at 10am and so forth. This is why I have business hours, - because I really need to try to have time to do stuff like sleep, and occasionally to hang out with Future Mr NinjaCat and all that jazz. So the next time you ask me if I can talk to you at ten at night (my time) don't be surprised when I say no. Keep in mind, I also don't work on the weekends (I cast spells, but it's my time off from directly dealing with clients outside of emergencies, so I don't do readings and I often don't do replies,) so please respect that it is time off and don't get in a fight with my inbox.
I ALREADY DO NOT MAKE MUCH OF A PROFIT ON SPELLS. For some reason, people don't seem to understand that not only is there a serious cost on supplies, the rent on my spellcasting warehouse (it's a huge storage space, lol,) plus the cost of transportation, electric, and then for my time doing the spell. On top of which a portion of clients do not seem to understand that asking for several free hours of emotional support and encouragement and explaining things over and over and over, means if you were in the least amount high maintenance, theres a chance I didn't even make minimum wage. On the other hand there's also a chance where if you were super high maintenance, I maybe netted pennies on the dollar on your case. This is how I pay my bills, so obviously this is concerning. Please try to reign in overuse of being able to contact me for free and whenever you need to by using this privilege as needed not just because you're bored.
LUST FOR RESULTS IS A VERY REAL PROBLEM - basically this is a form of obsessive anxiety, though fantasizing a lot about the future (which isn't necessarily unpleasant,) can also be a form of lust for results. Basically you need to keep your mind in the PRESENT - try to keep the situation and the people being worked (if applicable) out of your mind, stop worrying, and stop fretting. I find that keeping my mind engaged is the best thing to keep from engaging in lust for results. I do not social media stalk (if you do check up on someone's social media, you're almost guaranteed to be engaging in lust for results,) and that may work for you too, but if it does not, you need to find an answer to calm yourself and redirect your thoughts.
DO NOT POST ABOUT UNMANIFESTED SPELLWORK ON WEBSITES, CHAT GROUPS, ETC! This just hurting your spellwork! You're literally inviting others to think your spellwork to death (lust for results) with you.
AND STOP MAKING A "FAIL BY DATE," or "DEATH CLOCK" TO GET ALL PISSY OVER. Unfortunately time frames are not a solid date. Myriad problems can slow manifestation (usually 95% of the time, it's lust for results,) and if you mark a date and come to me exactly say three weeks after I cast your spell, you created what I term a fail-by date or death clock. Basically, you've put in your mind something to the effect of "This spell has to manifest by October 10th, or it didn't work" which sends the message out to the universe "Make my spell fail on October 10." Instead of keeping a date in mind, try to tell yourself something more like "I should expect manifestation in October." Or "Manifestation should happen in the Autumn." This way your not focusing on a particular date which can actually impede manifestation.
I CAN'T MAKE DECISIONS FOR YOU. Look, it's not up to me if someone is worth it, if you should give up, or what you should do. Truth be told, I deeply dislike about 80% of my clients' love interests and think they are jerks.
LASTLY, THERE IS ONLY ME HERE TO DO THE JOBS OF SEVERAL PEOPLE. Please understand, I'm a human being, I have a life, and sometimes, after working 12 hours listening to people and working spells, I'm exhausted and I just want to have an hour to myself. I live at my job. Some days the only times I am not working, it's because I'm eating, cleaning, cooking, showering, using the bathroom, or asleep. So basically barely caring for myself and my household on top of work work work work work. Do not demand off hours readings, or time with me and then get mad if I say no. If I do, I'm truly busy or I'm burnt out and need an hour or two to myself.
I know that many of you are not trying to get on my case, or trying to be high maintenance, and honestly, if it wasn't over half of my current clients engaging in several of the above behaviors without realizing some not only violate my terms of service, some not only hurt their active spellwork...but they are also delaying responses, costing money, and etc, I figured it was time to remind everyone, that if we all just keep using email and not using my time up to ask if it's okay to bring your dog to the vet when your target lives a mile from your vet (yes, bring your dog to the vet,) business will run smoother, replies will come faster, and if you stop lusting for results you'll even get those results faster.