All comments on this blog are moderated. Please take a quick glance at these guidelines to ensure your comment gets published! :)
1. I do NOT get any notice in my inbox when you post a comment. Sometimes comments will remain unpublished for a few days due to this, as I must log in to my blog, see someone left a comment, and then publish it. Please DO NOT use the comments section in place of regular email. If you wish to contact me privately, please click the "Email Me" link under the picture of myself in the left hand top corner of this blog. If its important, personal, or some sort of urgent message, you should EMAIL ME instead.
2. Comments written in ALL CAPITALS will be ignored and deleted without being read. People who WRITE IN ALL CAPITALS must realize this is very rude nettiquette, and that their actions read as YELLING AT THE PERSON THEY ARE COMMENTING TO.
3. Comments MUST somehow relate to the article they are left on. For example, if I'm discussing something off topic like...oh, Kurt Vonnegut passing away, and you decide to post a note there about how much you miss your ex and want him/her back, your comment will be deleted. If you leave a question asking for clarifacation on what exactly I meant when wrapping a package with red thread, and its on a spell where I'm saying you must wrap a packet up in red thread...well, obviously that's on topic. ;)
4. Comments which are abusive or rude with no reason will be deleted without being read. For example, if you comment (off topic I might add,) that you think I'm an awful stanky bitch-face on an article regarding how to move nasty neighbors out, I will delete the comment.
Criticism is welcome, so long as it pertains to the article which you are commenting on, and so long as its not just insulting me for the fun of insulting me with no reasoning other than just you wanted to call me bad words. ;)
5. Any sort of comment which is a demand for help (not a request) and which obviously shows the mental instability of the commenter (an example would be a week or so before I wrote this, someone commented "I NEED MY EX BACK NOW AND YOU MUST GET HIM BACK EVEN THOUGH HE'S A JERK AND I NEED HIM TO PAY CHILD SUPPORT. GET HIM BACK NOW I NEED HIM IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!!!!") will be deleted and commenter blocked. Usually these comments are placed on unrelated-to-their-topic posts and in all capitals anyhow, so this would already determine that I will not post them as is.
6. Your email remains invisible to anyone but me, so it is up to you as to whether or not you choose to leave a valid email.* I do not share, sell, or in anyway divulge your personal email to anyone. *In the case of critical comments, see number 10 on this page.
7. The name you leave is going to be visible to others. I may delete the last name or leave an initial for the last name in these cases, as people in the past have been concerned about coming up through Google and being traced to a spell site.
8. My parents did not name me Google, nor am I a search engine for my blog or for any site whatsoever. If your comment is to tell me that I must find a spell for you within this behemoth of information, then I will delete your comment and ignore your request. I expect the minimal kindness from my readers that they navigate my site for themselves. If you request a certain type of spell, you may receive an email with a link to catagories under which that spell would fall. ;)
I also do NOT give substitutions for any ingredient you don't have, or spell you can't do. I DO NOT LOCATE INGREDIENTS OR RITUAL ITEMS FOR YOU TO PURCHASE FOR YOUR SPELLWORK. If you never learn how to do anything for yourself as easy as locate an ingredient (and it's not so hard,) or find out how to get an image of someone (ridiculously easy in this day and age,) then I really shouldn't encourage you to spellcast for yourself by handing you the easiest answers there are.
9. There are such things as STUPID QUESTIONS! Pointedly asking me questions that an average six year old knows the answer to (and not a spellcastin' six year old, I mean any kid aged six of average or better intelligence,) will not be posted in the comments section. If you really don't know what a candle is, or how long a week of time is, you're not smart enough to be working spells anyhow.
10. Critical comments must contain a valid email. If you have something valuable and critical to say, by all means, say it. I won't be angry with you if it's said with intelligence and has a point. However, if you're too cowardly to even submit an email that only I will see (I won't out your email to others,) then don't expect me to publish I comment I can't verify which is probably just coming from a jealous practitioner for all I know.