Unfortunately, and it comes to my attention regularly enough, some incredibly uncreative and immoral scumbags think its okay to steal my work and try to pass this off as their own. This is not just theft of my photography, but also theft of my articles which are ORIGINAL and authored by me. Most of the spells here are also my ORIGINAL spells.
First off, let's reward you who are those informing on plagiarists and thieves, I offer a FREE THIRTY MINUTE READING, or a PayPal payment of $25 for successfully locating a plagiarist. Since so many of you have voluntarily brought down those who steal from me, I figure you deserve a reward. Please contact me immediately with the following details of the site where you have located my original work being stolen:
*Site URL, starting with http://
*Outline where you believe the plagiarism is.
*Point out on my site where you have found a creepily similar or exact replica of what this person stole from me.
*Give me your proper contact email
Action against plagiarists is taken immediately. I use all resources at my legal and my occult-style disposal. :D
To those unethical enough to steal from me:
*I will locate you. It isn't difficult. I have programs for this, a service to do this for me, and also a hoarde of readers who are offered a reward for reporting you. :)
*All my work IS legally protected, - please know if its recognizable as my work, you must either PROPERLY ANNOTATE IT THROUGH BIBLIOGRAPHY AS MINE AND OBTAIN MY PERMISSION FOR ITS USE, or suffer all consequences that theives such as yourself deserve. Copyright is EASILY ENFORCABLE on the internet.
*If you refuse to remove the items in question, not only will I persue you through all legal and magical means possible, I will be sure to let everyone know who's an unethical and uncreative little thief - YOU!
*I make it my personal mission in life to torture and harm anyone who would steal or plagiarize me... I use only legal means, too, so there would be nothing you would do about it. I don't have mercy. :D So, think about that before you try being an uncreative piece of shit trying to rip me off!
Remember, if its something which is a perfect replica of my work, or even something recognizable as my work (and er, changing a few words isn't usually good enough. It must be entirely restated in your own way and not resemble my work in any feasible sense,) you could be guilty of plagiarism or copyright theft in the case of my photos.
If you steal my work, my writing or my photos, I will get you. :D You don't want to know what happens when I catch you, but as a hint, it makes you pay me lots of money and you suffer a lot.