Hey there Occulties,
While not exactly a magical topic, today's offering comes from the epidemic of social media stalking that is beplaguing my business. So many people are filthy sick with this addiction to stalking their beloved through Instragram, Facebook and other related social media sites, that today I'm going to discuss why this harmful to your mission to get your beloved (or get them back,) why it's harmful to your spellwork, and why it is just a bad idea. So if you're lurking on social media, trying to see what's happening in the life if the person you love most, here's the reasosn to stop "facestalking" your target.
*You invent storylines that are probably not even true. Many years ago, back in the days of MySpace, a client of mine had the following experience - she'd seen a picture of her target on his MySpace where, while at a wedding, he was hugging a lovely young lady both wore wide grins, and she'd written something like "This is an awesome picture of us! I love you!" Well, my client had a meltdown, and when she finally couldn't take it anymore, in her rage, she demanded he tell her who "that slut" was. He did. It was his cousin, and he wasn't the kind of guy who dated his cousin. :P Of course, now she'd been really rude about his family, she'd had a complete hissy fit, and she'd totally upset the person she was trying to endear to her with her behavior. And yeah, after the target told her, a few others did confirm...that really was his cousin. :P
If you think this is the only story that I know of it's type, you'd be mistaken. I purposefully chose a platform no one really uses anymore in an effort to avoid upsetting several people because at least ten of my active cases, at any given time are social media stalking their intended, and often with bad consequences.
While there are certainly drama queens and drama kings and attention whores out there, MOST people do not put the most intimate of details online on social media. If someone has a fight with their girlfriend or boyfriend, often it does not play out on social media. Most people project an image far more happy and perfect than how their life is actually going. You are left with partial information where you must invent the storyline behind this comment or that image. You won't know the relationship between your target and x person and may easily assume he or she is a rival.
*Social media stalking is a form of "thinking the spell to death," - it nurtures obsession and shows a lack of faith in your own work. As above where I said you are apt to invent storylines that do not follow the truth as it is, part of inventing said storylines is your inability to let the situation go. You're obsessing. As I've been over before, that is not helpful to spellwork...
...and the fact is, you're nurturing this obsession because you lack faith and need confirmation. You send the message out to the universe that you do not believe the spell WILL work. Through the law of attraction you also push away the desired result, rather than drawing it towards you.
*If your target understands the algorithms of the social media site you're both on, he or she could easily realize you're creeping on their page a lot (and that's creepy!) Thanks to my clients, I do understand these algorithms (thanks obsessive clients! You actually have taught me something haha,) and when I recently caught my ex Facestalking me, I was....well, a bit creeped out. What did he have to say to me? Why was he creeping my page when in all the years I'd known him, even when we dated, he never did that.
I wouldn't be the first person who caught someone in the act, and instead of it being endearing it is, as I said, kind of creepy. Why are you staring at my funny pictures? Who are you to look upon my status updates...but not like them? ;)
So, it's off putting to the target if they discover you, and that's not going to HELP a love spell.
I know this little "public service announcement" won't stop many of you from your addiction to facestalking, but as I always say, desperation is the world's worst cologne, and this behavior reeks of desperation. Please consider taking a vacation from social media. You might be surprised at how quickly your target returns when you're not obsessing over whether that comment was meant humorously, or if this picture was maybe a slam against you. ;)