Hey kids,
So with a first quarter crescent moon, and it being Friday, (then sun is even in Pisces, which is a water sign,) it’s a perfect day for love magic, and I’m certain I’ll be getting lots and lots of love and reconciliation requests for spell work trickling in as the day progresses for that reason, so I figured I’d get an article up before the day has become too busy.
Having had some fantabulous news today, I am in a cheery mood (my lack of lecturing is not from me taking a hard hit to the head,) so I think today’s offering will be a nice little spell (which since none of you mind all my smart instructive lectures when you are given them is probably for the best.)
Many of you come to me insisting that if you just had a conversation with the person you desire, then all would be well and things between you would resume being loving and enjoyable, when in reality, what you really are telling me it’s that if you’re able to have this person be calm and receptive to what you were saying, you might persuade them to be yours or return to you, whichever is suitable. If I just threw you and this loved one in a room right now, you’d both just fuss and argue and make my job (if you’re employing me,) harder, and/or your situation more difficult, though because this person is not interested or desirous of having any such audience with you, so, possibly, you may be wrong to think if you just open up the lines of communication, that all will be well.
Instead, I might suggest that you open this person’s mind to your suggestions. And, since jar spells are all the rage at the moment (probably because they are really easy for beginners,) I have something you might try.
You will need:
A small jar with a metal lid like a baby food jar
Poppy seeds
Licorice root (shredded or powdered,)
Lavender flower
Commanding OR controlling oil*
Come to me oil*
A packet of PURPLE birthday candles or chime candles (they need to be small, but as chime candles are slightly bigger, you will get more power from a chime candle,)
Something personal from the target (a hair of the head is best, but any biological witness sample will work,)
A small piece of paper with all the edges torn off
A pen with black or purple ink
An image of the target.
Pre-Spell Set up:
Mix approximately equal parts of your herbal ingredients (licorice, poppy seeds, lavender,) to fill the jar about half way, then add in the item of your target. Fill the jar to the top with approximately equal parts of your remaining herbal mixture. Add in about equal parts of your oils to make the contents of the jar “wet” (not soupy, but almost a paste consistency,) and then seal the jar shut. 
This jar can be reused, but remember to dispose of it if it gets moldy. Keep in mind that herbal ingredients can grow mold and if they do, they will create gasses, and the jar may burst. For this reason I strongly recommend storing this in a cool, dark place, inside of storage containers as just a plastic bag can get eaten away by some essential oils.
Write the target’s name NINE times using the pen described in the you will need section, as so (replacing Jason Momoa’s name with theirs, haha,)
Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa
Now turn the paper so the names are running vertically and write the command across this 9 times horizontally, creating a sort of grid pattern. You of course will use your own command, but for example purposes:
Desires to know everything Cat is thinking about him
Desires to know everything Cat is thinking about him
Desires to know everything Cat is thinking about him
Desires to know everything Cat is thinking about him
Desires to know everything Cat is thinking about him
Desires to know everything Cat is thinking about him
Desires to know everything Cat is thinking about him
Desires to know everything Cat is thinking about him
Desires to know everything Cat is thinking about him
A proper command is simple, direct, and uses the present tense. Examples are “Listens with interest and responds thoughtfully to (petitioner’s full name,” or “Reads and quickly replies to (full name,)” or even “Responds gently and lovingly to (full name.)” Ridiculous things like they give you all their money or that’s they spontaneously combust if they ever say a mean thing again, etc are not apt to happen. Keep it simple, keep it realistic.
Once you have finished the name paper, fold this once towards you, and turn and fold in half towards you again, place this on top of the image of your target, and then place the jar on top of the name paper. Now anoint one of your candles with a few drops of each oil, using seven strokes up (base to wick,) while envisioning your target in your minds eye, and if you are good with mental imagery, try too see the target actively interested and open to your suggestions (example, leaning towards you or the petitioner, whichever is the case.) Light the candle, and secure those to your jar lid with a few drippings. Once secured, and while still trying to keep a mental image of your target in your mind’s eye as you speak (sometimes leaving an image of them near you where you can see it is a huge help,) say “(Full name of target,) come to me, do as I say, for the more you try to resist me, the stronger the urge to do as I command you to do becomes. (Target’s name,), I command you to (state command you used,) wand do so lovingly, sweetly, submitting to my will immediately, Nola, now, - so be it!” Let the candle burn out, and then clean the wax off of it, and store to repeat the spell until the target has submitted to your will.
The spell is best done on Sunday, Thursday, and Saturday and should be done each of those days continuing until the target submits. However, if the desired end is love, omit Tuesday, and instead use a Thursday, Friday, Saturday schedule.
This is mild spell so if you aware looking for something more intense, I suggest this instead.
I’m sure there will be questions, so please ask - and if you want some love or reconciliation work done by me, please let me know ASAP! 😊
*I currently recommend using Seraphin Station products by the fabulous Ms Karma Zain!
This spell is copyright originalninjacat.com and may not be used, shared, or reproduced in any fashion without my express permission. I offer a reward for catching plagiarists so if you see this anywhere else, let me know.