Hello my dear occulties,
Today I'd like to discuss a topic which has come up frequently in the last few weeks betwixt myself and many different people (many of which have no contact with each other, so I take this as a sign discuss this with my dearest readers.)
Now, let's start with stating the obvious, - if you are reading this, you are probably sitting in a machine made of meat and bone and fat, and that thing is called your body. If you are like most (if not all) incarnate (has a body) creatures, you value this meat machine very dearly as it is what keeps you functioning and alive on this plane. You experience physical sensations of pain when you damage it, or overextend it, senses of pleasure when you feed it, or nourish it in any way, or try to reproduce (even with yourself lol) with it. This is because this wonderful machine that your life force (or what you may term your spirit, or your soul,) has been created to ensure you treat it as well as possible so it might run as long as possible (otherwise known as it avoids becoming no longer operable, which means you die when that happens,) and because this machine requires you to help it replicate itself, it is also very good at trying to get you to make more of these machines. So, we all agree that we have a physical body and presumably many of us understand it's basic functions exist to help it stay working as long as possible, while also trying to get us to make more of these bodies for other beings like ourselves to continue on our line.
Your body may be faulted or have some defects from birth. There are so many of these, that I can't list all of them. This does not mean that your physical body does not attempt in some way to still run. It's a machine, and missing a few "gears" or "screws" is something it still very much wants to try to overcome. You body may have suffered serious damages - maybe you lost an eye or a leg or an ear. It still wants to run as long as it can, so this does not mean it does not mostly function (and you may even have "phantom pains" sensing the lost part for those missing a body part,) which again, most of my readers would agree this is how this works. Maybe you have had some malfunctions which are comparable to a bug in your program. You have an immunodeficiency that causes you issues, or a cancer, or many other issues which start because something caused the "programming" in your machine to malfunction, and this causes you issues which can range from things you can't detect, to actually completely destroying your body and making it inoperable. Maybe you were born with your "programming" having this malfunction, or perhaps it came after your creation. You may even just have inherited better or worse "versions" of necessary hardware or software - everyone in your family needs reading glasses by age 20, or you all have really short legs, or like me, you don't tan, just burn. Perhaps you are even worried that because you have a particular family issue, that you will make children with the same issue, or because you were exposed to something that your offspring will be in some way handicapped and science has proven there is a good chance of it, so you avoid reproducing to avoid giving your offspring this weakness, ergo ensuring more "perfect human machines" continue on, even if not of your line.
Again, we understand that bodies are different, that some age better or worse, or have a higher probability of coming down with a condition and that some people are born disabled, etc. So taking all of this knowledge in, I want you to understand...you also have very similar benefits and issues with your SPIRITUAL BODY.
Let us not confuse the spiritual body with an aura. They can look very similar, but your aura is in part the "glow" of your meat machine working. So while the spiritual body can sometimes be seen with the aura, there are people (as scary as this is,) basically walking around with a dead spirit body. That is contested, but I insist it is so.
Let me explain that in a bit.
Your spirit body looks very much like you. In fact it may look just like you. It may look like an older or younger version of you. If you have lost a limb, your spirit body generally still has that limb. If you are beset with a disfiguring condition, it may appear as you without this condition, and if you are at the peak of your beauty, it may look like a disfigured version of you. Why? The spirit body has its own health and its own needs. It very much can and does affect your physical body, just as your physical body can have an effect on it. It can heal faster and easier at times than the physical body, and vice versa.
Think of the story of Dorian Grey. If you are unfamiliar with this story, Dorian Grey is a lovely young man who has a portrait done of him at the peak of his beauty. Then Dorian gives into every gross urge of lust and anger and murder and cruelty and for decades - every vice imaginable! But his form never ages a day while the Dorian in the portrait ages terribly with every sin. He hides the portrait away of course, but in the end it is found and destroyed and the physical Dorian becomes the monster in the picture and then himself dies as I remember. This story, written by Oscar Wilde is a good parable about the spiritual body (which the portrait represents) and the physical body wrapped up in a "scary story" for the masses.
Please understand, I am a believer that many of our ideas of "proper behavior" are rooted in the times we live in more than what is moral or immoral to the spirit. So if you're wearing pasties and a g string out on the town tonight, I don't know as I believe that has any bearing on your spiritual health although there are people who will think you're an immoral strumpet and trash and all that. You were born naked and I have no belief that clothing has any bearing on the health of your spirit or else you'd be born in clothing.
Instead think more like...if you kill someone for fun - not to defend yourself - this is a senseless awful thing which not only harms the species by your destruction of one of our valuable meat machines, but also harms our line as a whole as the spiritual body is quite connected and needs (on our end of things - you may or may not believe that a higher power exists, but for me, I believe God to be the creator of souls,) the couplings that physical body may have made to attach new spirit bodies (or existing ones if you believe in reincarnation) to, and that means you are also committing the same crime on the spiritual plane. The being does not necessarily cease to exist spiritually (again this is all religious/spiritual beliefs that may vary,) but you have stolen from it the option of making more of itself. This crime - killing another being for fun, - may, therefore, affect the health of your spiritual body. It most likely does cause it a fair amount of harm, especially when what you have killed purely for enjoyment is a member of your own species.
"But, Cat," you interject, "Only someone with horrible psychological problems does such a thing." Correct! But of course some of those problems are caused by illness in the spirit body, - some inherited through abuse, some inherited by bad actions of the parents, and sometimes acquired through smaller and lesser harmful actions to the spiritual body, much like a bad habit may endanger and even kill the physical body.
Have you ever heard the term "sins of the father" - sometimes called "original sin"? This is an interesting thing...basically, it's supposed to mean that I still carry the sin of my parents bumping uglies at birth. Ha! Sex makes babies so sex itself is not really a sin! Both your physical and spirit bodies want to make more of you even if it's not physically possible (for example, a same sex union of cis-gendered people - at least at this writing, - cannot produce a child made from both parents.) However - am I conceived by betrayal? I am not, but for example a woman seeking to end another woman's marriage by taking her husband would have now passed on a spiritual debit to a child born of this union. It's like the spirit equivalent of that mother drinking a gallon of whiskey a day or something. And people can and will get mad at me for saying that, but then they will be people who did that who say it and of course the truth hurts. :P This is why when you come to me with break up stuff and all that I always want to check to see if the couple you want broken up is or isn't married (which has zero to do with legally married, as your spirit gives not one fuck about the laws of man,) because if a couple is spiritually married, you are asking something which can cause great harm to yourself as well as any offspring. If you didn't know that your partner was married or even with another, then you would be innocent and the spiritual body receives little or no damage, though, interestingly enough, ergo making the offspring safe from damage. It's amazingly complex and that's just one of many "moral" actions which effect the spiritual body. Each of these is its own topic entirely...and just as biology is sexist and only those of us born with a working uterus get monthly cramps and bleeding similarly there are even issues which only the male or female spiritual body are affected by.
Now I'm sure a few of my readers are already having meltdowns and if so, please excuse yourselves from reading further. ;) The topic of the spiritual body is, in fact, one I've researched and spoken of with people of many spiritual and religious backgrounds, so I have a passion for the topic. Just because you did something that you realize probably got you down with the spiritual sickness, or you just had some religious background that scared you into thinking maybe you did, that's your issue, not ours. I repeat again that much of what our society calls moral or immoral has more to do with culture than with your spiritual health so there is a good chance what is sinful according to a specific religion's teaching really is not bad for your spiritual health. Relax.
Because there are also spiritual conditions that come on you that cause damage to your spiritual body which are more than likely not your fault at all...nor that of your parents, nor their parents etc. Like depression. This affects both physical you, and spiritual you. This isn't some sort of divine retribution for wrongdoing any time you come down with one of these conditions. However, treating this condition - both physically and spiritually, can permanently change your spiritual health in very positive ways.
The best thing for all of us to keep in mind is that the spiritual body is important and has its own health and needs just like our meat machine. So just like if I live off of Doritos for my whole life and eat nothing else then I won't likely live long, so is it that if you do not treat your spiritual body with care, it can also deplete and even die off from too many abuses. It also thrives when we treat it kindly and nourish it...but just like the physical body, we cannot repel all damage just from treating the spiritual body as well as possible. AND always keep in mind that the spirit body and physical body are very tightly linked and if one is sick, the other often can follow and become sick as well.
How do we nourish our spiritual body? Well...again, this will sound a bit like dogma but loyalty, and kindness, and helping others, and charity, and all that goody-two-shoes stuff helps. Prayer or recognition of your own blessings if you do not pray, thankfulness and gratitude nourish us. Loving others and being loved can be very nourishing, while losing our loved ones to death or disaster can harm us dearly. Our spiritual bodies connect to others - to our families (which can be - but is not always - parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, and of course our children,) or those we truly and deeply love (our partner, our best friend, etc,) which is why there is a pain that always remains when we lose them. If you truly and deeply love anything then you know when it is lost, you never 100% get over it. This is why grief over loss of of a loved one sometimes never ever goes away. It causes the same damage as losing a limb causes to your physical body. You can randomly experience pain like "phantom limb pain" as your spirit body looks for the connection for the rest of your life. But, while that sounds scary, the gift of the love bond itself nourishes your spirit body greatly. So...love both makes us stronger and gives us a wound to our spirit body.
Even joy and satisfaction nourish us. So healthy food for your spirit body abounds.
But that which will mortally wound and permanently disfigure, or cause long term damage to your spiritual body is also around you. And yes, that's a thing. You can expose yourself to things so negative they can have consequences which impact your offspring for a few generations which we are proving via science this happens to our physical bodies too. For example, those people who survived the prison camps in World War 2 have offspring who displayed a genetic mutation with metabolism from the starvation and stress of the parents in the prison camps, and even the grandchildren of these people have show the SAME MUTATION. My personal belief is that just as we have a physical DNA, so does our spiritual body have some form of DNA. So like probably everyone reading this, I may very well have some natural, inherited spiritual body defects and benefits because my ancestors gave me this gene spiritually. Again, the idea of "sins of the father" affecting the child holds.
Keep in mind, this inherited damage may also not be a choice. Just as you may be killed in a vehicular accident wherein no driver involved had any intention to harm, nor was anyone operating their vehicle while intoxicated or while knowing it had known malfunctions (including yourself, of course), so can you accrue damages which are neither your fault nor deserved. The same is true of beneficial conditions. Perhaps you did nothing to "deserve" the boon to your spiritual health, and yet you were fortunate to receive.
And what of magic? Well, you know I'm not the karma police. I'm not here to tell you no. I'm not here to tell you yes either. In fact, if I'd punch you right in the face without a shred of guilt to my conscience, I'd probably curse you just as quick and without guilt. Does that make me spiritually diseased? My experience is that most spellcasters who successfully curse do so because the target is a piece of fucking shit. The target is not just asking for it, they are antagonizing the spellcaster or harming someone or something that he or she loves. The spellcaster isn't splitting up a marriage to steal away the partner for selfish gains. The spellcaster is not harming innocents. They are not just doing it to feel powerful. It's much more comparable to having a neighbor who keeps slapping your kid for just playing in your own yard, and punching that neighbor for the attacks on your child than trying to harm someone to steal something from them or to make yourself more powerful. So if you accrue damage spiritually from cursing, you are much more like to have done so because your actions are wholly selfish or unjust.
And what if you were born to awful people? Is that your fault? Nope, that goes back to sins of the father. If your parents both come from a long line of bullshit people and conceived you into that line of DNA, what results might be compared to a physical deformity or unhealthy body or a disability of grand proportions despite you looking physically just fine. If you were given a decrepit spiritual body, you can nourish it and strengthen it, but yes, you may have a much harder time than some of your peers. It means you have to work extra hard. And the real kick in the butt is that you don't deserve that, and it may make you bitter, which in turn will warp that spiritual body - your bitterness is a poison to it.
I'm just touching on this but I hope it's gotten some of you thinking. See, when a lot of you worry about "karma" (which has nothing to do with that which you do in this life effects you in this same life like some of you believe,) what you should worry about is "will this affect my spiritual health?" (which some of you mean but wrongly understand.) The answers are often that, at worst, it might give it a bruise that will heal rapidly but there are situations where you really may hurt yourself or possibly even generations of your line. So, I think this is a good topic to get people really thinking of the impact of their actions.
And it's also a good thing - you might be able to heal damage to yourself and help your physical body heal faster (they constantly impact each other,) by merely understanding more about your spiritual body's health.
Now I did mention above that I would discuss a very odd thing that can happen. Your spiritual body can - from what I can tell, - die with your physical body not dying. I'd swear I've even seen a few people with it. It's as if they "have no soul." I can think of one person in particular that I'd bet you money this person has no soul and yet physically they look rather healthy. Their actions bespeak a person who could not retain a spirit body. They come from a long line of people who spiritually are garbage from the history I know of them (it's not anyone widely known). I've never met another worker who when shown this person's image wasn't physically revolted, (and while not an attractive person, they are not so physically ugly as to cause revulsion), and so people with spiritual training are literally reacting as many of us do when we see maggots eating a corpse...which tells me they are spiritually revolting...if not just spiritually dead, this person is spiritually a gangrenous leper. And yet, while not an attractive person by any stretch of the imagination, still physically healthy with said unattractiveness not arising from physical illness of any kind. So, what exactly is this person? If the spirit is dead how then does the meat machine yet function and they remain intelligent enough to speak because the brain hasn't rotten...it even reasons... And there is more than one of these on the world. I don't know the singular dead alive thing in this world, and would tell you this isn't even likely as uncommon as you'd like to think. Serial killers are probably these things. A few seemingly nice normal people? They are these things. I don't know exactly what they are as it makes no sense that they physically live, but my best guess is they are a bit like malignant disincarnate spirits. Much like disincarnate spirits (malignant, beneficial, or neither bad nor good,) have greater power in the spiritual world than many of us physical beings can expect to have but have no or little physical power (so many have a hard time moving a light or small physical object,) so do these creatures seem to possess very little power spiritually and yet tend to give suffering to those they claim to care about the most - so they are not powerless. They may also possess great physical strength but they are very destructive creatures even if physically weak. They attack those closest to them, they isolate them, and try to survive off of them. My guess is that they are spiritual vampires of sorts and the physical body continues to survive by them draining and perverting the spiritual energy of those who they claim to "love." They are incapable of love judging from my observation of the handful I've come across, but they call possessiveness love. They really are repugnant and I've seen more than one albeit there is one which I've seen the most up close, and it's proven every theory I've had of their kind. So, if you find one of these, do not make friends. They seem rather charming at first. Much like any predatory thing, the charm is so it can feed. You soon realize it's a spiritual vacuum, but often too late and after it has taken so much of your spiritual health and energy. Maybe it even has you convinced you can't survive without it. You'll thrive without it.
You can laugh at that, but I've had a small share of clients who endured a relationship with one of these. They are not psychic vampires - that's someone who is just draining - they are something else entirely. BUT do not fear...they lack a spiritual body (or if they have one, it is so damaged and small as to be undetectable,) so if they are not feeding they are easily bested as they can't do magic without a healthy amount of spiritual energy, and even if currently acting parasitic on another is giving them some energy, their energy isn't their own and doesn't properly transmute, meaning....their magic sucks on it's best days and often blows up in their face. :D I am sure I will get some emails from people worried that they are these things... Look, they are rare. It's unlikely. If you've been a good person and have avoided obviously deeply immoral or hurtful actions (so you don't kill for pleasure, or break up happy homes, or hurt children or the weak or small animals because you're bored,) it's very unlikely. But yeah, I also find it scary that something spiritually dead can be physically alive, especially when in most people if they are very spiritually damaged, the physical body soon breaks down as well. It is scary, but all fictional monsters were borne from the real ones, so just avoid one of these things if you suspect you've come across one. You'll be fine.
Anyhow, that's enough on this topic for today. I will try to post a new spell article soon!