Hello Occulties,
I'm coming down with a touch of the flu, so please forgive me if I start rambling - I have a mild fever, which, in turn, has given me a mild case of the stupids. ;) But I shall overcome because I am LOOONG over due on giving you an article...
The following spell and article is for (sorry boys,) the ladies, and this is also, (sorry ladies,) for those ladies in EXISTING relationships. In all honesty, if your intended is not dating you, I do not know that this will work, and he should be dating you for some time. This spell is targeted for use by women who have suitors who are holding back on giving them the full commitment, despite there having been enough of an emotional bond established and a normal amount of time spent before someone would sensibly ask for a lady's hand in marriage. ;)
Please note, I have put a note where you need to use the essential oil, and that other oils can be "fragrance" oils or synthetic versions of the scent, and need not be the essential oils. ;)
Making the oil-
You will need:
Rose attar (REAL essential rose oil,)
Orange blossom oil,
Strawberry oil,
Orris root (small pieces,)
Few drops menstrual blood or a few pieces of dried menses,
Small jar or vial
Place a small amount of each herb (about equal parts,) and menses into the vial or jar - you need not fill the vial or jar, just be sure there is a pinch of each herb in the bottle. Use 2 parts orange blossom oil, to 1 part rose attar, and 1 part strawberry oil, to fill the vial/bottle. Seal the vessel tightly, hold in your power hand (the hand you write with,) and envision yourself and your lover blissfully in love, and in full wedding clothing, try to send pink, white and blue energy into the oil. When you feel the oil is "full" of energy you can use it immediately, however I prefer to place my oils in a dark place for a few weeks, giving them a good shake every few days to allow the herbal vibrations to better enter the oil.
Marry Me spell (oil can be used for other spells.)
You will need:
A string or cord soaked with the semen of your intended, the length of his erect penis
A string or cord soaked with your menses, the length from the top of your pubic hair to the opening of the vaginal opening
A blue nude male figural candle
A blue nude female figural candle
A pink taper candle (at least 4" long,)
A white taper candle (at least 4" long,)
A red taper candle (at least 4" long,)
Mama Cat's "Marry Me, Boy" Oil
Periwinkle Herb
Small biological item from yourself (hair, nails, etc...your choice,)
Small biological item from your lover (again, your choice,)
A pin or nail,
A heatproof container such as a cake tin (large size - if using a wood or plastic altar, use a ceramic tile beneath the tin,)
A piece of scrap paper with all edges TORN not cut,
A black pen,
A red pen
First off, don't ask me how you are gonna measure his penis with a piece of string and then soak it in his semen. ;) I leave that one up to you, and plenty of ladies in the past have done this with their gentleman being none the wiser. I leave how you go about collecting his semen on that sized cord up to you. HOWEVER, try to collect semen which has not been mixed with your vaginal secretions.
Next.... I know a lot of you ladies today shave all your pubies off. ;) BUT, I also know that pubies grow back and fast, so when you see the trace of the top of your bush coming on back (hehe,) measure the string from there to the actual vagina (meaning the birth canal,) the rest is not - clinically-speaking, - the vagina.
For my gals who are not menstruating due to menopause, surgery, or nursing (or whatever medical reason,) you need to measure the string as above, but soak it in your vaginal secretions which you have gathered during masturbation, preferably around the full moon.
Hopefully this will make it so I don't have to discuss you or your lover's fun parts to great length in my inbox in the future...but probably not. ;)
Moving on...
Mix equal parts of your herbs and crush into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle (or lacking this, a bowl and a strong spoon.) Set aside.
Take the scrap of paper, and inscribe it with your black pen as follows:
Write your lover's name out 9 times like this-
John Doe
John Doe
John Doe
John Doe
John Doe
John Doe
John Doe
John Doe
John Doe
Then turn the paper, so the names of your lover is running vertically (up and down,) and inscribe your name in black pen over his 9 times in the same fashion as above. Since this confuses people, when you are done inscribing your name, the finished product will be like the 2 names are in a sort of "grid," meaning his are running vertically, and yours horizontially over his. I know some of you are already confused. Please contact me if you need me to clarify this step. ;) Next using your red pen, write in a circle around the names the command "marry me," written over and over until the 2 ends of the circle meet. Again, if you are really scratching your head here, contact me. Spit into the center of your paper, add a pinch of your herbal mixture to the center of the paper, and place the small biological item into the center of the paper, and then fold the paper in half TOWARDS you, saying "Marry me," as you do. Now fold in half towards you again, saying, "Marry me," as you do so again, and set this aside.
Anoint your candles with your Marry Me, Boy oil using 7 strokes up (base to wick) for each candle. You are going to "charge" your candles a bit differently for each. ;) If you feel you cannot send energy or charge items, sit with the candle in both hands while picturing the suggested imagery (below.)
Nude Male ("adam") figural: Carve your lover's initials over the heart area with your pin or nail. Hold this in your hands, and picture your intended asking for your hand in marriage, picture him as your bridegroom, dressed in traditional bridegroom wear, and try to send this image into the candle along with blue, white, and pink energy until you feel the candle is full.
Nude Female ("eve") figural: Carve your intials over the heart area with your pin or nail. Hold this in both or your hands while picturing yourself as a bride, and try to send this image into the candle along with blue, white, and pink energy until you feel the candle is full.
Male and Female candle - take your strings (the semen one and the period blood one, and tie them around the couple with the couple "face to face" so as to "tie them together," and as you tie 9 knots, with each knot, say "Marry Me."
Pink taper: Hold this in both hands, while thinking strongly of the romantic (as opposed to sexual or intellectual,) love between you and your lover, while trying to send pink energy into the candle.
Red taper: Hold this in both hands, while thinking strongly of the sexual/passionate love between you and your lover, while trying to send red energy into the candle.
White taper: Hold this in both hands while thinking strongly of the intellectual or platonic love between you and your lover, while trying to send white energy into the candle.
Sprinkle your herbal mix on all candles.
Altar set up
Using your large cake tin to place all candles inside, place the female candle and male candles (now tied face to face,) and place the name paper beneath the "toes" of each of the candles so they are both "standing" on it. The female should stand to the left of the male. About 3 inches to the left of the female, place the pink taper, and 3 inches to the right of the male candle place the red taper candle. "Above" (or to the northerm direction of) the couple, place the white candle. This will sort of look like each of your tapers are forming the points of an upright candle with the "couple" in the middle.
Spell (finally, hehe):
Start by lighting your white candle, and say, "I strengthen the bonds of intellectual love between (lover's full name,) and (your full name)," as you do so. Now light the red candle, saying, "I strengthen the bonds of passionate love between (lover's full name) and (your full name,)" as you do so. Now light the pink, saying "I strengthen the bonds of romantic love between (lovers full name) and (your full name) as you do so. Now light both of the couple's wicks, saying "By our bonds of intellectual love, passionate love, and romantic love, (lover's full name) and (your full name) are bound to each other." Hold your hands to either side of the altar set up and say, "(Lover's full name,) dream of only me, (your full name,) and desire to be with only me. (Lover's first name,) marry me, and love only me. (Lover's first name,) you must ask for my hand in marriage, and the more you try to resist marrying me, the stronger the desire to marry me becomes." Now drop your hands to your side, and say, "This spell shall not reverse, nor place upon me any curse - as is my will so be it!"
Allow the candles to burn all the way out. When they have, take your spell remains (wax bits, herbs, paper) and bury these preferably by or beneath your front door. In the past, those without a front door have used a houseplant by the door as a substitution for this method of interment. ;)
As always, there will be questions, so contact me if you have them.
All information herein, except where noted (but including this recipie,) are copyright Cat, and my not be posted, shared, copied or used without my express permission. Should you choose to ignore this, I will prosecute you and persecute you, too. ;)