Well, as many of you know, on Monday morning around 9:30am, whilst I was working on my horribly messed up computer, the wifi suddenly was like "haha, no f*cking way," and I was like "what?" Thinking it was my crippled PC (Mac Book coming from a friend, folks, soon I won't be working on a PC which only works in safe mode,) I try my iPad. My iPad's internet was like "Haha, f*ck you, Cat!" so I was like "what?"
Future Mr NinjaCat, who had fallen asleep on the couch, having been up at weird hours worrying about family and friends in the wake of Hurricane Irma (his people are all in Florida,) was roused, and also found wifi acting like an assclown on his phone. This was weird, as cable and phone (all three provided by my cable provider) were fine. We call the cable co, and they're like "Wow, that's f***ed up!" (except classier.) On Tuesday, they stop by and tell me it will be fixed FRIDAY MORNING.
I go "What, my entire life revolves around my internet working."
They say "Well, that's what happens, chica, so deal. Remember that time you paid us like a month late? Pfft haha" (They actually were more like "It sucks, but this is what we can do here, so sorry, and please just don't get mad," but in my head, they laugh at me.)
At this point, my life basically blew up. Bills I'd paid were suddenly showing as unpaid. People didn't read any announcements. I had to use Future Mr NinjaCat's phone the few hours I could to reply to people when I could since it was the only thing in my reach with internet, and pretty much everyone I work for was like "Go f*** yourself, you useless assclown, I hate you!" any time I was answering. :/ This week has been frikkin miserable, and you can see why it would be, especially after last week.
Enter Paimon. I love King Paimon. Last night, after a ton of misery, I did some work with my old friend and I was like "Look, recently, we" (Future Mr NinjaCat and I,) "have been totally fucked lately," and then some personal stuff, some more personal stuff, and "Please accept my offering, more coming."
As some of my readers and clients have heard me say, King Paimon is the bomb. From the moment I made my offering, everything has been turning around (for the better), as if some cloud was suddenly burned away, to allow for blessings to return to my life. The computer started mysteriously not sucking so much. My internet is mysteriously working. And I say, all hail King Paimon! I went from feeling like Mercury personally retrograded into my life to being assured that I have someone great and powerful on my side making sure that I can work, earn money, and that I need no longer wonder if I'll be living in a cardboard box next week with no wifi and a lot of people who hate me.
All hail King Paimon, great and mighty, and my deepest gratitude to you, Mighty King. Without your help, I would not even want to guess what today would have been like. You have blessed me and I pray your blessings continue. I have offerings coming to you this evening, and more gratitude and thanks to you (including a public post about how amazing your powers are) with my offerings. Your influence in my life is a wonderful gift!
Also, if you're waiting for my reply (not you, Mighty Paimon, heh,) I'm pounding away on this keyboard, and trying to get back to everyone. :)
Update - someone asks "How do you know for sure it was a blessing from a spirit, and not just that your internet got fixed?" Answer: Look, if something might be a gift from a spirit, or it might just be someone doing their damn mundane job, it is better to thank the spirit/s who may have interceded upon your behalf (even if they did not,) than to shirk that duty. If you think I gave you a gift, but you're not 100% sure on that, is it not better to thank me for that gift than to pretend I did nothing? I mean, assuming you want me to feel appreciated, you're going to say thank you. Such is the same with spirits and ancestors. :) Better to err on your thank yous (I mean, thank the right being, of course,) than to err and be ungrateful. :P I realize that I'm starting to get old (dangit,) but I was raised to show gratitude and have ettiquette - it puzzles me that many younger people lack these common social graces. Heck, I say "may I" (instead of can I,) and yes, please, and no, thank you in situations where it is someone's JOB to wait on me. That's because my mom made sure I had manners. These manners apply to the spirit world, too!