Hey Occulties,
So many of you had asked about what had gone on with my epic tale of bedbugs and bad landlords and etc. Let me get to it so I need not post it again, lol. Way back in possibly late October to early November, my landlord was installing a sprinkler system as per the new fire code, which, of course, was a giant shitshow for my landlord because the building is 100+ years old, and this meant doing things like literally drilling through walls with massive protective gear on to protect from the asbestos insulation. :P What it also meant - and what was troubling for basically all of the residents in myriad ways, was literally leaving open holes from one's unit into the communal hallways or into the next unit.
Keep in mind, I have small parrots and I do not cage my small parrots, and also small parrots nest in things like holes in a tree so this was like installing a parrot playground which unintentionally allowed my parrots possible access to places that they had never been. Once I realized that leaving open holes in my walls was not for like a 24 hour period, I actually had stuffed them to prevent small parrot-shaped demons from escaping into the hall or other units.
However - and this is up for argument, - I clearly DID NOT stuff them up fast enough because within a week or two of these holes in the walls being open, I started getting a strange itchy rash on my arm.
Mind you, am not a social person. COVID has not helped. I barely ever go anywhere and rare is it that I see anyone - and this being before COVID, - so it never occurred to me that the cause could be anything but me developing a possible allergy. Maybe it was stress hives? Certainly right around that time some stressful stuff was going on, so it seemed to fit. But changing the soaps I used did not help. And changing the detergent I use did not help. Furthermore, it looked so much like...well, mosquito bites...but there are no mosquitos flying about in Maine in the winter. :P
So I went through remedies to help with my itchy arm, but it just kept getting worse. In January, I noticed what looked like a tick in the laundry room - and not anywhere near where I'd put my laundry down, - and so I looked online and it was, as pictures would prove - a bedbug. There is no way this thing jumped off of me or my laundry, nor is it likely it climbed into my laundry upon leaving. I mentioned something to the building manager and she told me next time to try to catch one. This seemed bizarre since it was in the laundry room (the second door after my front door, no less,) but I said I would if I saw another. Then when I was watching TV one night, one skittered off my leg. Ew. As I lied in bed one night one skittered up my pillow. I caught that one. I showed the building manager. This was my mistake.
See, I should have just suffered in silence because it just so happens I apparently had walked into an enormous trap. I was instantly tagged as the cause of the bedbugs. My landlord proceeded to set me up to look like a complete fucking asshole. You see what was news to me (and I know now,) is that the shitty studio apartment between my home and the laundry room was empty. It had been empty for awhile. I did know that these holes made to install a sprinkler system between my unit and the units to either side were still open. However the landlord started with that due to my having let someone use my living room as storage, that person was the source of the bedbugs and therefore my mere allowance of that person to use said corner of my living room was the cause of the all of the bedbugs. Well, no, that theory was proved wrong as not only is this person allergic to their bites (gets huge welts,) they also could have every single roommate for the last 3 years attest that no bedbug activity was going on when this person lived there or after. So next it was my audacity to purchase a used dresser from FB marketplace was the cause of the bedbugs....that might fit until you realize, I sleep with one foot out, and where the dresser is placed in my bedroom, they'd go for my foot. Not only that but after a thorough examination, the furniture was deemed an unlikely source.
But my landlord was not phased. In fact, they were going to be sure to blame this all on me, dammit, because then maybe - just maybe - they could stick me with the bill. So, without giving me any notice, they scheduled a treatment time with the bedbug company (which the pest control people tell me is about a 2 week notice), and then about 2-3 days prior to the event, gave me a notice telling me to remove what would end up being 4 car trips just to get out all the fabric stuff I needed to move, and I had to go 20 minutes in each direction for my very expensive storage unit that I paid out of pocket for, in a car I don't own (so I had to beg or pay for a ride,) while living in a city with such a bad parking issue that no one owns a fucking car. I was also told that no bedding or clothing or shoes or anything was allowed back in unless it was treated which to treat it all will cost me close to $1500. Oh, and my birds need to be housed somewhere for 8 hours. Oh, and the place needs to be cleaned and scrubbed from top to bottom. So, this is almost five years of accumulated detrius, annoying birds, and tons of money I don't have, while also costing me money because I can't work (three days just preparing my apartment was barely enough to get everything bagged and ready to go), on top of which at this point I was sleeping on the couch as it was the only place I didn't get bit, so I slept 3-4 hours a night.
When the day arrived, my ride was about a half hour late. I told the pest people I just needed to check into a hotel (which I paid for,) and scoot my birdies out the door. Since it was a lot of stuff to be moved, the pest people suggested that I just use the empty unit next door instead of worrying about a ride, thus allowing them to start their work ASAP. This would have actually been very easy, but the landlord refused. I told them I'd be back in 15-30 minutes. When I returned, my door was left unlocked, and my window and storm windows left open. Because it meant they could try to blame me, apparently the landlord told the bug people that clearly I'm an asshole, I wasn't ready, and that they should go.
Mind you this could have easily been taken care of by moving all this stuff next door, and they even offered to do a preventative spray down in there after I'd moved my stuff, just as a courtesy.
NOPE. They would not help me with any part of it, despite it actually being written in Maine tenant law.
So, about a week later, I was sleeping on my couch, and some complete fucktard that works for my landlord (her fucktardery is legend,) starts kicking my door so loud I literally thought the door was going to be busted down. When I wake up, shaking like a leaf, the fuckhead identifies herself and I open the door. "It smells like cigarettes," says fuckhead, "don't smoke in my apartment!" (which she actually cannot say - she doesn't own the building and basically only functions by answering the phones and occasionally showing empty units,) and then told me to go down to the office. So I went and put on clean clothes and some lovely Versace perfume that Mr NinjaCat had gotten me some time ago, and there is no feasible way I could "smell like cigarettes," but the woman who more or less runs my landlord's office told me I reeked of cigarettes. I said as much, saying I'd put on a clean dress and I should smell like Versace but I guess I'd let a friend borrow my coat to go outside to smoke so maybe that's what she was smelling? She kind of just looked frustrated and then went on to say I must be treated for the bedbugs so tell her how fast I could be ready. I said everything is packed and ready to go, so it's a matter of transporting it. I was like "I guess as soon as Thursday, but because I have the birdies, I need a bit of notice." She seemed satisfied with this. I was sent some confusing literature a few days later saying there would be an inspection Monday and a treatment Tuesday. Mind you, I thought they were inspecting other units. That they were coming to give me a few pointers. That Monday, a friend and I spent the whole fucking day moving everything fabric except curtains (shower or window), and furniture out of my place. Whilst we were moving this stuff, the pest people came, and as I came up, the building manager is like "Yeah, the pest company is going to cancel again as your place isn't clean enough and there can't be a single birdseed on the floor." The thing is, I'd known I might be transporting my things so I'd left a clipboard of instructions out, and said if the bedroom was fine, expect the rest of the house at that level, and to let me know if I needed to do more. The living room looked far worse than it was as I was moving EVERYTHING OUT and I'd had it all sitting in my living room. I can't easily sweep around contractor bags of clothing that are taking up most of my living room so it looked awful, but I'd stated as much. The pest guy was in fact present in the building, and so I said, I'll talk to him and tell him that it's no problem and I'll send him pictures. She assured me it wouldn't make a difference and that he felt it would be another two weeks til I was ready.
I was LIVID. At this point I'd lost thousands in business, I'd paid at least if not well over a thousand in transport and moving and etc, and I can't have a single birdseed? I flipped out. Totally. Flipped. Out. I cleaned the fuck out of the living room floors as I'd wanted to for some time (because again, once I'd bagged up everything we own that's fabric, that didn't make it easy to clean the floor,) and wrote a scathing email to the pest company telling them I could get a reputable exterminator who could manage a "single birdseed."
The pest company texted me that morning and the guy is like "No one told me you'd send me pics. Show me. If it's as clean as the bedroom was, I'll be over in a half an hour." He was mad as he didn't realize he could have spoken to me personally, and from the sound of it the landlord lied on me and said I'd never move the stuff out (I had half to two thirds out when he'd arrived, we determined,) and that I was probably missing because I was avoidant of treatment. I showed him pics. He was impressed (birdseed is a fucking sonofabitch, people, and one single day without sweeping means a birdseed vortex forms, lol, and it had been almost 2 weeks, so this looked like a whole new place,) and they came by and treated my home with no problem. What they told the landlord (and what the landlord didn't tell me,) is that not only was my place infested, so was the neighbor's unit and they were going to be back a day or so later to heat that place, and that I should expect them back in a few weeks.
Then I received notice that as I am a bedbug conduit, they are considering not renewing the lease unless I pay for their bedbugs and then a BILL for the bedbug treatment. Yeah. Even better, when they came to poison my place last week, I was so ready, and nice, and then had seen one a day or so later, and called the pest company. The woman who answered was like "Yeah, you should have been told there would still be activity at least until the next time we show up. Did they tell you when that is?" I told her no, they are making a point that I should look unprepared and rude. So she told me when the appointment was TWO WHOLE WEEKS IN ADVANCE, and assured me that after all of the problems she was making a note to be sure that they contacted me for anyone appointments made or changes thereto as the landlord was clearly not giving me fair notice, and that she didn't really know if it was legal how they were treating me as she thought it was illegal to have me be forced to pay for the treatments, especially seeing as I lived right near the single laundry room for a 100 unit building, where holes were open between the laundry room and my home for a good amount of time, and it was perfectly feasible the bugs got in through there.
Mind you, at this point, just the missed work alone is ridiculous. If I can't take appointments for two days, that is going to cost me a lot of money. Put that on top of the cost of transportation, and even cleaning (I have to use the laundry up the street now as they basically told everyone I am full of bedbugs and it looks like - though I may not be reading right, - I am expected to "treat" all my clothing at an outside laundry at full cost to me,) the cost of storage, and the fact that I am harassed (I've had the same two phone numbers the entire five years I've lived here, and yet they kick my door instead of calling,) and the short notice creating situations where I've even had to cancel and refund a few people.
I know someone will say "Cat, are you being cursed?" Interestingly enough that is a story for another day, but I'm waiting for the excessively awful and painful decay to be so apparent to the person who attempted that, that you will all think twice.... Stupid as the person is, they think they got away with it. No. And honestly I don't blame them for the bed bugs.....it was a loved one of mine showing particular affectation which cued me into that someone was trying to come after me. SMH, I guess some people just can't wait to find out that some bad ideas really fuck your life up good. :P
So, since i did promise it, there's the story...I have my bedbug-infused Inflammatory Confusion all ready as well. I put some buggos in there, and that stuff is already fire without them, just like all the recipes I give Anubeion Creations to blend up for me (thank you to Laurie at Anubeion for your amazing work again!) Let me know if you're interested. :D
The positive side to all of this is that at least I shouldn't be stuck outside my home on short notice during a pandemic with nowhere to go for that reason any time soon again. :) If you missed me, now you don't have to. :D