Hey kids,
Sorry I took a break from socials and posting. I was beyond busy with work and personal stuff. I have two very ill loved ones and thought one was going to die (well he still is going to die, just not as near to it as we thought,) and working 70 hour weeks and having that added stress just didn’t leave me with time to post.
Unluckily for me, and lucky for you, the starving season is upon us, which means less paying business and more time to post. It will only last a few weeks but I’ll be thinner and you’ll be more informed by the time it’s through so…hey I could lose 15 lbs and I bet you could get smarter. It’s a win win with that ❤️
Let’s get to the questions! The first isn’t so much a question I was asked but rather something me trend recently mocked among my peers as it’s been touted as hoodoo and is not at all real or hoodoo or even a working that gets results.
Q: If I put cinnamon on my doorstep, will it keep out evil?
A: No, and what horrors of TikTok witchery vomited forth they idea, i can only guess. It would seem the author, having no idea the properties of the herb of cinnamon bark decided that it looks something like brick dust and wrongly suggested this as a replacement, when this would be about as apt as substituting salt for sugar in cooking or magic (because they look alike!) - which would lead to an awful cake and a terrible spell. You also cannot use mullein as a replacement for grave dirt.
Dear ones, please do not make up shit as you go along. Mis-teaching others so you can pretend to be a competent spellcaster to your IG followers will haunt you later if you ever become a competent spellcaster. This one is so stupid that experts - and most of my peers are old crumudgeonly occult authors - are laughing at how stupid this is. It’s easily identifiable as false to anyone with an ounce of training as being made up.
Q: Are there spells to make me more charming to others?
A: Yes and no. There are workings which will make you catch the eye of others and make them want to speak to you or to find you attractive. This will fall flat quickly if you are socially inept. But if you’re looking to cast a wide net and have people finding you attractive, and you aren’t going to send off “go away” signals or act desperate or needy, attraction work actually works very very well.
There are workings that can be used to make you a more charismatic speaker or to exude a leadership quality, but these are better used when you are giving a speech, or about to lead people. Because if you lack these qualities naturally, this is glamoury and under scrutiny, you will quickly lose the alpha glow.
You see, magic teaches us that we cannot change anything’s nature without great effort or for a long time. So if you were never socially adept and were in fact quite socially clumsy, physical attraction will fade quickly when you metaphorically stick your foot in your mouth. To some effect, magic may nerf the damage but you are going against your nature. One can learn most things but…I am not a mathematician nor was I ever inclined to be, and though I’ve no doubt you could drill the material into me over a considerable amount of time, and I’d seem to have adopted it well, I will still always be clumsier with mathematics than someone who was inclined towards that sort of thinking from birth. Social skills, and seduction is a social skill, are the same. So I recommend you try to work on these skills if your attraction work keeps falling flat.
And this also goes for being a charismatic leader. There are those well born to the role by that just being their nature. If you were not and wish to be, you need to try to learn those skills. Using a glamoury to give off an energy you have them will not provide you with the necessary skills to uphold that illusion.
So if you are unwilling to do any work past using energy to create an illusion and think one spell will change you into something then you also believe magic will make a bird a fish, and you are wrong.
It can be used to make others find you more attractive which is wonderful if your only issue is you aren’t very good looking. The reality though is I know many ugly people who do quite well with their desired sex finding them attractive and several beauties who people find dull and uninteresting. If you are socially inept or lack any leadership qualities this type of working will produce limited results.
Q: Have you ever cast a spell that didn’t work for absolutely no fathomable reason?
A: The only way I can be sure of this is if I did the work for myself, so that limits my answer a fair amount, having worked for others for quite some time. Mostly the failures that come to mind are those where I’m quite aware with hindsight where I fell short, and at least three quarters were my own behavior or lust for results in those cases. The other quarter or less were more my own misjudging my situation and applying less effective methods for being too blinded by my own perspective by being in the middle of the very situation I was working on (as well as being young and inexperienced in many of those instances.) I can think of two that were non working because the spell was nothing but some made up crap I found online back on the early days of the internet finally being a big thing.
So no, even the failures, for the most part, worked, but just didn’t manifest completely or didn’t have near enough to the desired outcome to qualify as successful. Absolutely nothing I’ve done for myself comes to mind as having no fathomable reason for failure if it failed.
We need to understand magic requires that we work with it and use it to the best of our ability, and to have the willingness to admit that if we work against it or apply a less effective method, it may fall short. If you were to throw your phone in a bucket full of warm salt water and leave it there for two days, then take it out and not put it in rice but allow it to air dry, then when it presumably wouldn’t work, call the manufacturer to complain that the phone is not working for any understandable reason, you have a very good comparison to people who did something I explicitly told them not to who then complain the spell doesn’t work. Much like the manufacturer of the phone you immersed in salt water for two days, lying that you did that or saying you did but it’s their fault the phone isn’t working does not negate the fact that you made it not work through your own actions. Furthermore sometimes a problem we didn’t mean to cause or were not aware of does impact results. One might compare this to complaining to a phone manufacturer that their phone doesn’t work because you are in a dead zone with absolutely no service. Again the manufacturer (who here is the practitioner or spellcaster,) is not at fault having no say as to whether or not their product will work in a no service area (which might be compared to not addressing key problems and obstacles to manifestation, which if you are casting for yourself is often due to being wholly ignorant or willfully ignorant - example, you don’t want to admit you behaved so horribly towards a love spell target that they may be too scared to return to you because you did the equivalent of chasing them down the street with an axe, - so as to either miscalculate what you need to do, or refuse to address that you have created an obstacle of such enormity that it will require a lot more work.)
So I am honest with myself with my own failures in that I find them a helpful tool in future endeavors as, so far as I can recall, when I have worked for myself, I see where and why the spell did not work.
Q: I am working with a spellcaster I find too commercial. Everything is a promotion or a spam email, and I don’t feel like they are real because it seems impersonal. Are they fake?
A: In some respects, I share your concerns. The problem with some ritual products, for example, is that they are required to be handmade. I also know that advertising helps small businesses but in saying as much, I can’t dictate who writes their own copy or uses a service. Being too commercial is a red flag to me as well, but I don’t fault anyone for using the myriad of options to help them promote their own business at the same time, If you feel they are always trying to sell you something, I’d offer that if you’re uncomfortable with their business model, you should find a different worker.
While there was a specific worker I was asked about here, surprisingly, I was undecided as they seemed very real from what I could see. I won’t name names but I do appreciate that someone asked and in this case, if you’re uncomfortable, move on. One person’s perfect spellcaster may be another’s nightmare.
Q: Is there a wish spell where I can get whatever I wish for?
A: I’ve never seen one I’d deem as legitimate. Spells are a bit like medicine, so you’re asking is there a single pill that cures any health complaint - anything, known or unknown, for diseases, ailments, bacterial infections etc. Much like medicine, magic doesn’t have one miracle drug to cover any problem, so you need to use more targeted work to achieve your goals.
Thats all for now. I really want to get to some spell articles. If you’re missing any email from me, the October and November mega-rush has subsided and PLEASE let me know if you’ve not received any reply that’s overdue by more than 3 days. Also just as a reminder—do not use texting to contact me. I am a terrible texter and I will lose the thread. 😂 For faster service, email only.
all content is copyright originalninjacat.com, I offer a reward if you see my work reposted anywhere, and as always if you have questions, contact me.