Hey everyone,
So for starters, I have 3 bottles of bedbug inflammatory confusion and no addresses to send them to. If you ordered one of these, please let me know ASAP. I will be giving a partial refund for the inconvenience of the wait (basically you get refunded minus the small shipping fee of $4 or $5,) and then I will stop feeling awful because your addresses got away from me when I cleaned up. :P
Next, let's talk about my horrid last year and a half or more. As I've told many of you before, the now ex Mr NinjaCat had and has severe mental illness problems. This was for a long time actually not a huge problem. About once a year, he would decide everything was "poison," and this would go on for 1-3 weeks, was relatively predictable and more annoying than anything else. Like I'd buy milk and about 2 hours later he'd tell me the milk tasted funny. I'd taste it and it was fine. He would insist it had been poisoned. So I'd buy a new jug of milk, and this would repeat itself. What was happening was that Ex-Mr NC has Bipolar Disorder, and he was experiencing a mania. While some people get an epic high fun mania, his are not. They are full of delusions and suspicions. However, if he was just going to decide milk and stuff was poison, and for a brief time once a year, he was so fun and loveable the rest of the time that I really couldn't pass up being with him, and hell, as I said...it was annoying and weird but predictable and brief.
The other issue my ex had was borderline personality disorder. This was also mostly annoying. When it reared it's ugly little head, I'd remind myself that (ex) Mr NinjaCat had a pretty bullshit childhood, and it was to be expected that he'd not come out of it unscathed. Since this is sadly a relatively common issue, I had some experience dealing with people who suffer from this disorder, and it wasn't a deal killer... My ex is incredibly handsome and charming, and that took the edge off.
In the fall of 2019, I began to notice a troubling change in my ex. He was short-tempered, unaffectionate, rude, and hanging out with people I would not suggest anyone hang out with. He also began to dislike foods that he had previously always wanted. At first, I just assumed he was maybe having a touch of mental health issues, because...he has mental health issues, as I said, and that the cycle of them was changed. As his behavior worsened, I was to discover he was no longer on his medication for his issues, and he admitted that part of the lapse was that his doctor was no longer seeing him as she had moved. So we tried to set up appointments for him around my birthday which is around Thanksgiving, and they offered to see him in TWO MONTHS.
Now, you would think if someone with bipolar disorder says "I need my medication and I'm having a very hard time of things," that they are going to do something quickly, right? Nope, no meds, and an appointment in TWO MONTHS.
And things got much, much, much worse. He began to take my money (outright stealing it in some cases,) to fund himself, while telling everyone, including his own family that it was his. He didn't have a job and had not had one in well over a year, so this was pretty bold of him, but his own family did not believe him, because...well, I told them, he's increasingly acting scary. When returning home from my parent's house on Christmas, he freaked out, pulled over sharply to the side of the highway, almost killing us, and demanded I get out of the car. When I went to do so, he barely decided to drive us back to Portland...and he did stuff like that over and over and over. He was always angry, and it was increasingly focused on me. He is a very big, very strong man, and he decided I was the author of all of his issues. This was particularly troubling for everyone, because I did EVERYTHING for my ex. I took care of him, and spoiled him. Now he was doing things like staying up for three days and waking me up every 20 minutes to tell me something was poison. He would refuse to let me leave the bedroom and would threaten me if I tried to. This got increasingly scary until one morning I was sleeping and I woke up to him grabbing me by the back of the head and shoving cake in my face, screaming "Feed that to your god, bitch!" I immediately called a psych hold. The police took him away, and returned him in the evening. This was especially embarrassing as it happened midday. Can you imagine everyone watching your husband be taken away while you have cake in your hair? Yeah, I got to experience that.
Now you would think that a normal mental health professional would have held Ex-Mr Ninjacat for 48-72 hours to assess his mental health, but not the idiots here. They sent him home, and boy was he pissed. And I got ro experience this frequently as it worsened over and over and over and over.... At one point certain members of the Portland Police Department actually told me it was my fault. I do not know if these gentlemen still have a job, but seeing as I answered the door with visible strangulation marks on my neck, I sure as fuck hope not. You see, my ex had turned to drugs, and these drugs had triggered a mania each time he used them. For those who do not know, bipolar disorder is a progressive illness. Each time a mania is triggered, the next mania is apt to be worse. So my ex believed that I owned Google and Apple and that I was using myriad methods to spy on him and make a special secret web channel where we all watched him and made fun of him....I was also supposedly part of a secret group set to come after him and destroy his life. Mind you, the things he suggested were so impossible that people laughed. This culminated in him being arrested for holding me hostage, telling me descriptively that he was going to kill me and take his time, and he was sure glad I got to speak to my mother one last time, because he felt I had hacked his Apple account. I had not. The police took him away, and took this seriously this time. He supposedly decided he would stop using drugs, and we tried to sort it. This did not end well. Ex Mr NinjaCat is now still in jail for trying to kill me. He's sobered up in there, because it's jail, and if I speak to him, he is the man I used to know, but....
I'm pretty sure you can understand why our marriage did not work out. :P
As you can imagine, this was a pretty scarred-for-life thing for me. But once Ex Mr NinjaCat was in jail and not leaving jail, I began to return to normalcy in my life. This is where my new guy came in. He knew my ex, and he knew what I'd been through. He encouraged me, he was a good friend to me, and after awhile he admitted attraction to me. I still didn't give in because look what I'd been through. BUT, he kept it up and I realized I loved him too. So, there is a happy ending there - at least romantically. Now I am happy and with someone who isn't trying to kill me while accusing me of being part of a superspy network, and it's someone who spoils me and brings me gifts and is also quite handsome and charming.
But since life can suck more than a bag of leeches sometimes, because ex Mr NinjaCat was so troublesome, my landlord was, understandably at the time, pissed when he left for the last time. They decided to put me on extra secret double probation. This meant that even though my neighbor next door can have 20 new people over every week, I would get crap for having one person come by. I was told I had "too many guests." I don't actually have a lot of guests, as I am a reclusive weirdo, just as you always assumed. ;) So, when my new fella would come around, even though my guests were my new fella and a friend of mine who lives upstairs from me, this was "too many guests," and I would get complaints. That would be asinine enough, but the landlord also drilled gigantic fist sized holes through my wall which led to the laundry room for 102 units (which remain open to this day, and were/are for a sprinkler system), and I ended up with BEDBUGS. The landlord being one of those slimy fuckers you would guess my landlord might be decided to try to blame everyone and everything for those bedbugs except themselves. They sent me a bill for the bugs. They threatened me, they orchestrated bizarre situations like accusing me of living in filth because I had every stitch of clothing in trashbags (this is required for treatment,) ready to move to storage so my home could be treated, as prescribed by said landlord, and that means I'm cluttered and filthy. This became a spot of humor at one point, where I was even posting pics of my squeaky clean apartment with the tag of #myapartmentisfilthy. But the landlord insisted that I am a filthy pig monster and they wanted me OUT.
Mind you, this had NOTHING to do with bedbugs. They wanted to be irresponsible about that problem, sure, but the real problem was they figured I'd get back together with my ex. I had moved on and have been with someone else since early November 2020, but even when he stopped coming by (because there are still bedbugs here,) they just assumed I'd get back together with Ex Mr. NinjaCat. Nope. Thus started the battle we find ourselves still engaged in...and it's an epic one. My landlord is trying several greasy maneuvers to get me out, and since rental prices are insane and I actually like my apartment except for the bedbugs, I am not planning on leaving. The landlord doesn't understand Maine Tenant Law very well, whereas I'm the child of an estate attorney and I do. For example, the fact that I have them on video harassing me and threatening me and acting in an incredibly gross and egregious manner can get them in a serious amount of trouble. They cannot eject me for being a victim of domestic violence, and that will also get them in trouble. Furthermore, here in Maine, if your landlord decides to evict you, he or she needs to give you this thing called a notice to quit, and you must sign this notice or at least have a certified mail receipt showing you received the notice. I received no notice, but this week, someone knocked inaudibly on my door (it ends up that was the Sheriff's deputy,) and when I tried to schedule an appointment to receive the summons which was illegally made, this person just taped the summons on my door to humilate me just yesterday. Way to go Deputy, you just earned yourself a sanction! :) See in Maine, this person has to knock three separate times on three separate days before doing something so rude. Meanwhile if you make a reasonable request to make a time to receive this summons as I did, then the deputy must meet you on your reasonable request. As I knew I'd be busy most of yesterday, I'd messaged the deputy to say let's do this Friday morning, and you should know I'll be seeing you again, as I'd received no notice to quit. Ah well, the landlord needs to restart the ENTIRE PROCESS NOW, and this nifty summons gave me contact details for their lawyer, who I advised kindly that I'd received NO NOTICE TO QUIT.
What does that mean? Well, I read the "complaint" and frankly it's not apt to go anywhere. In fact, since I have a friend who wants to put this on the evening news as a human interest piece, highlighting my abuse, the fact that my landlord has forced me to endure bedbugs, and things like I've not had a working fridge in five years, it might actually cause my landlord far more harm than good. The reality though, as Future Mr NinjaCat has pointed out, is that if these people really want me out enough, they will eventually get me out. Furthermore, given what these people have put me through, all because they are passive aggressive shitbags, Future Mr NinjaCat doesn't really like the fact that I'm here and they might abuse me more. I think it will all blow over once they realize Ex Mr NinjaCat will not be returning, but others do not support my feelings there.
However, it puts me in a position where if I do find myself having to move because the courts of Portland decide against me (should it even reach a court room,) I would be smart to start downsizing my massive amounts of ritual supply on hand. With this in mind, I have a little offer for you all. I will give a free reading to anyone who purchases the regular seven day spell casting. Now you say "what if I get a reading, Cat, and I don't want the damn spell?" Well, then you just buy a reading. HOWEVER, if you decide you do want the spell, and you already purchased the reading, I will subtract the cost of the reading from the spell. Seeing as I have several weeks before anything hits a court room, none of this landlord debacle should affect anything. I'm just trying to downsize as being prepared is always well advised. I have a metric fuckton of ritual supply, and so I want to downsize to a quarter of a metric fuckton, as that is far easier to transport should I decide on moving.
You let me know if this is of any interest to you. I'm actually in pretty high spirits considering all of this, and my gut tells me I'm not leaving here for quite some time...and I always trust my gut, BUT it never ever hurts to make sure I have a plan in place if my gut is leading me astray. ;)