Hey kids,
So because I come across so much ignorance on the topic lately, I figured I'd write briefly again about tarot, which having read the cards since I was 12 or 13 (and I'm almost 44,) leads me to believe I may just be an authority on the subject. :P
For starters you DO NOT need to be gifted your tarot deck. Were that true, it sure as hell would be inconvenient for someone who reads cards professionally when they need a new deck. You don't even need to be gifted the first one. I'm unsure who's saying this but I run into it frequently enough to need to take a stand and say that is utter and complete HOGWASH.
While you can technically "pull a card" much like you could draw a rune, you, in my educated opinion, should not actually start out learning to read tarot that way, nor is it a practice many people keep up when they actually learn to read the cards. So, when I see a novice reader pull a card out, then try to interpret each "question" with another card, I die a little inside. I really do. This means if I don't quit a few subreddits and a Facebook group, I might not last the year. ;)
Now, remember, your spread is like a structure of a sentence almost. It's important, and this is why just "pulling a card" for each question can just make you more confused. A single card has a very broad meaning and it is meant to. This is why I pull ten cards and don't require "Clarifiers" more than once in a blue moon, whereas others are like "I asked if my boyfriend of three days loves me and I got this and this is a clarifier and then I asked how long it will last, and then I asked what the issues between us will be and then I asked..." Now see, if this novice reader came to me, and asked "Where are things going with this young gentleman I have been dating for three whole days?" and subsequently asked me all those questions on top of that, I would have drawn ten cards, one time, and could answer all of her questions.
But I understand that the Celtic Cross can be complex for the ten positions being...well ten positions. Try starting out with a THREE CARD DRAW spread if it is easier.
So back to our example - someone comes and asks me what is going on with this three day boyfriend. If I draw three cards it is in a line left to right, position one past, position two present, position three future. While this person is fictional I pulled three cards for her and got 1. two of wands, 2. three of cups, 3. 7 of cups. From this I assess this is a likely short term entanglement, which is in the midst of the infatuation phase, and will be hot and heavy for about 2-3 months but ultimately when the infatuation wears off, she will find that this guy is not Mr Amazing. The two of wands lets me know she has really wanted a perfect functional relationship and has not really had a great time in her dating life, however has likely been spared any severe dating traumas but the 7 of cups is not a good sign this will work out whatsoever. The happiest time is in the present for her. Does three day boyfriend love her? He's clearly infatuated and enjoying the present, but if they've been dating for three days I'm going with no (and that's not psychic,) ultimately this relationship just won't work out, so it's likely he won't fall in love with her. The issue (seven of cups) is that they are just not compatible.
All that fucking information from three cards. THREE CARDS.
And let it be said that I could get a hell of a lot more from properly reading a ten card spread. If I can get MORE and COHERENT information using a spread, this might be a suggestion as to why you don't just pull a card for every question you have. The cards will ANSWER SEVERAL QUESTIONS with just one spread.
Then there is "It fell out of the deck" cards. Look, kids, I'm not sure if I have some gigantic mega hands over here, but judging that my ring size is relatively small, and I've never been told I have gigantic hands, I'm going with no.... So if you read "it fell out of the deck" over and over, I call bullshit. I'm shuffling my old deck with parrot bites out of it and torn edges and nope, no cards falling. So, if you're too clumsy to handle your deck and cards fall out, I recommend you pick them up, reshuffle, and lay down the cards. That these "it fell out" cards tend to be cups when I hear these stories, and the questions revolve around love is no surprise.
See, the problem with trying to read a love problem for yourself is you generally can't detach yourself from what you WANT the cards to say, and this can even affect which cards you put down, but it CLEARLY affects the interpretation. I have seen SOOOOO MANY people trying their hardest (clearly from using a book or site to know all meanings the card MIGHT have) to put a positive spin on something that clearly is not a positive outcome when reading their cards. And I understand it, because when I was a novice (and I was DAMN YOUNG when I started reading cards,) I often naively believed this one was The One, and could not bear bad news and had done the same thing here and there, though at this point in my life, if I saw disaster when reading my relationship w the cards, I'd probably be like "Yeah, that figures," and not be too disturbed (even though I love Future Mr NinjaCat with all my heart.)
Anyhow, hopefully this helps some of my readers who are trying to learn the tarot. :)